Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday's Dreary Day........

It is a yellow looking sky outside as we are getting a mild freezing rain that is making things slick but not too dangerous.  I guess one could go flying off the step if they didn't know there was a coating on them.  It is suppose to warm up to above freezing eventually today but the precipitation didn't halt schools from opening today.   Yes the red and orange is warm looking to see.  I bought some oranges for my wife to eat hoping it will speed up her recovery.  I too was playing with the camera to see what I could do with it in a still life mode.

The bowl itself is a new one that is a microwave popcorn bowl. There is a lid for it. It has a heating device that you lay into the bottom of it to help heat up the corn. It is a disc with materials in it that get very hot in reaction the the radio waves of the micro.   It makes a dry greaseless corn.  I like it but am still learning how long to heat it in the microwave.  Our micro is not a higher powered one so I keep using trial and error to get it to work.  I am not endorsing this product but I do like that we are getting less additives than microwave popcorn has on it. I know, I am hearing you,  that stuff all tastes real good.  I am using butter and less salt on this kind from the popper. Old fashion popcorn with butter on it really is good.

I have my own coffee clutch club at home, only I use a different mug each day.  There really isn't a great place for us in town to go to sit down for coffee.  I was just looking for things to shoot and the shelf looked a little cozy and welcoming.

I will finish the blog to day with a desert scene.  The little barrel cactus that was given to me by a friend seems to being doing well.  The friend said she  didn't know of anyone else that had cactus.  I don't know of too many either.  I have a very large one from a neighbor that keeps a very large one at her house and she gave me a start of it.  I guess the prickly pear one came from another neighbor who threw it into the alley to destroy it.  I now have these others that seem to do well now when I just ignore them.  No water is a good watering job for a cactus.

I am home today and resting up, trying very hard to not catch what my wife has.  Her coughing has not quit but she is coughing 80 percent less.  I am feeling stuff in my lungs but it could be sympathy feelings as I should have caught it a lot sooner than now.  We are going to warm up around here soon and that should help.  It is about time.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I hope Della is improving, not being able to sleep at night because you are coughing is exhausting. Up here they are giving people Z Packs an antibiotic so they can finally get over it. You better eat some oranges too. I think Far Guy is coming down with something today...if it isn't one thing it is another:(

  2. I sure hope you and wife will come out feeling better soon.
    The Bennie got better. I am using the vapo steam vaporizer day and night, sure helps with the coughs.
    We are under weather alert for more ice and snow.

  3. I have always enjoyed your coffee mugs. I'm sorry to learn that your wife is under the weather. We bought a large bag of oranges yesterday. Keeping you both in my prayers.
