Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Middle of the Week........

Some of the snow is leaving.  It doesn't go away very quickly with the big piles but it is receding each day.

Here is another shot of the coveted coffee cups.  I go through cycles as to which mug that I want to use.  I need a big one in the morning when I am watching morning news.  I don't want to have to travel back and forth so much to get more coffee. My wife's poodle mug gets used a lot by her..  The one with a red building is a starbuck's mug that I need to return to the school's lounge cupboard.  It came home one day as I was at the far in of the building and didn't want to walk the two blocks to get it back there.  I will take it back soon.  It is a nice large mug.

If this were a movie you cold see Button jumping up and down on a pillow getting it flattened out for a perfect space to curl up on into a ball. He knows how to pull a leaning pillow down and get it just right for him.

The photo is so similar to the last one that I took of this but it is different.  I know I am anxious to get them  outside again.  I have a hard time keeping them watered enough but the majority of them are still alive.

I have no tomato seed sprouting yet but I bet I will see some in a few days.  I planted seeds in late March last year and that didn't seem soon enough so I will see how big they are this year when it is time for me to put them out.  May 15th is our  safe line of the last frost for the  year. 

I had yesterday off but today is a different story.  I was asked to be an associate and ended up in a middle school classroom teaching 7th grade English.  It is three blocks of seventh graders and it is on a shortened schedule.  I think I can make it through the day but I originally was planning on going home at 11:00.   My wife is still bucking the coughing cold.  I was told by another who had it that it was an influenza B virus that our flu shot did not cover.  I am working very hard not to get it.  My wife is better but she still carries a fever and coughs a lot less.  It is a horrible bronchial cough.  Cold today but warming up over the weekend.  Maybe winter coats can be traded off for a couple of days.
Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Those coughs can hang on a long time, alas. Hope she gets better soon and that you stay well!

  2. Our snow and ice was washed away this morning by a hard rain. It's 3:00 P.M. an now sleet is falling fast, after this they say we are to get 1-3in snow.

  3. Influenza B it will take some time to get over. Poor Della. Pneumonia is going around up here. Take good care of her! Your geranium is beautiful:)

  4. Your geranium looks like it is wanting to go outdoors so bad!! :) I hope your wife feels better soon. I take the flu shot every year and since I heard the news that they got it wrong this time, I have been waiting with dread for the bug to find me. So far I have managed to avoid it, but my hands are dried out from washing them so often. Have a great day!
