Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday......

The ditch lilies keep growing and the temperatures keep changing from high to low.  We were almost at freezing 32 degree F.  this morning which was brought to us from northern winds.  Two days ago we were 83 degrees F.   I guess the quality of light is more important for these plants than the temperature.  We did get rain earlier and also a sprinkle last night.

 Inside the house is the Easter lily with its first bloom starting to open.  I am amazed as to how this plant industry have these bulbs in the cold and then plant them to the exact date into soil and place them in warmth. That exact date makes them bloom also at an exact time.  This shipment looked like it had just come in and they all are going to have one or two blooms opened by Sunday.  This shot is awkward as it isn't all the way opened yet.

Also inside is the great blooming of the violets.  The weather and light has been perfect for them this year and I am seeing great blooms.

These tomatoes are in now for their last container before they go outside to be placed in the ground.  This one  is the beefsteak variety.  It is interesting that when I transplanted them they had the strongest stem and looked larger that the other varieties. I only lost one tomato yesterday as I worked on them.  I knew I had broken the stem so I put a small other plant in with it to be sure I had one plant growing in the pot. Keeping my four different kinds marked has been a hassle but I seem to be having that all in control this year. I hate to give away plants to friends if I really don't know what the variety is.

One more planting session this morning and I will have these all into pots.  I ran out of containers yesterday so I picked up 24 peat pots to finish off the job today.  If I don't have enough to finish the job, I will use some old violet pots to cover it.

This is a new violet that I bought last fall.  I immediately put it into real dirt and as you can see it did pay to do that.

No school today with teachers have workshop all day.   I think a bookstore visit might be in order today and then Good Friday services this evening.  I hope the cold, the rain and the wind is not hampering peoples safety out there.  Everyone take care and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Beautiful flowers !!
    Happy Easter to you and your family !!

  2. Growers schedule those Easter Lilies to bloom. I used to have a schedule too for our greenhouse. A Planting schedule and a transplanting is a science for sure but it makes everything so much easier. It took me two years to get it all figured out for us, every greenhouse is a bit different and then you have to be flexible because the weather may be real sunny and things grow like crazy...but the big growers can control that too:)
