Thursday, April 2, 2015

Things for Thursday........

The fern leafed peony is one of the first things to come up in spring.  It blooms at least 3 weeks before the regular peonies start to put out blooms. I have scattered these plants all over my property and they seem to be all up right now. 

This one is at a new site this year and it has put up  a couple of sprouts for this year.  I have one that has a bud already showing on it which means this one probably won't bloom this year. They take a couple of years to develop. For those who are new to my posts this plant was brought into the country by wagon trains.  Its origin could be from overseas but for sure it was brought in from out east.

There are buds on the choke cherry tree.  They put out a green leaf that eventually turns to maroon by the end of the season.  Its leaves stay on for a very long time even though it buds out normally like other trees.

I brushed aside some leaves and found the phlox is putting up leaves.  It is now when I rake off my flowerbeds as I like the protection of the fall leaves.  Some people have their yards and flower gardens cleared from last fall but I am a late bloomer so to speak in getting the leaves removed.

I am having at least half of my violets blooming now.  They like the east window and the light that comes through in early spring.  They were in the sunshine for a while but now the sun doesn't come in with the earth tilting back. 

We had an inch of rain last night and I did hear thunder and lightening.  I was too tired to stay awake for it but we did need the rain storm to cool off our house.  We were almost 80 degrees F.  yesterday.  We will just hit 70 today.  We will be cooler again the rest of the week which is our normal temp. 

I am running to school this afternoon to cover for a science teacher.  A half day will be great to do and school is out at 3:30.  I won't be gone for very long.  I am planting more tomatoes into bigger pots this morning.  They need to be moved.  I may get a little raking done this afternoon.  I hope spring has sprung enough for everyone that you are having non winter weather.  We have squirrels scampering everywhere and birds are zooming by in a hurry getting sticks and leaves to make nests.  It is probably our best time of the year right now.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. We got a big lighting storm last night about 11:30 saw on the weather map you were getting it to, it was going straight up.
    Things here are really jumping up out of the ground.

  2. Cold here and windy. Your African Violet is beautiful! Your Fernleaf is up already!! Can't wait to see the blooms:)

  3. Fern leaf peony is a new one on me. Will look forward to seeing your pics of its blooms.

  4. It's like magic to see these things sprouting from the ground. Last week I got a new laptop and right away set the desktop background into plant sprouting.
