Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Here Today......Gone Tommorrow.

The school's daffodils were looking good for quite some time.  Yesterday I brought my camera to work and snapped some more shots.

I could tell they were looking pretty weary.  I didn't realize the very next day, today, they would all be shriveled up and gone.  It must have been their due date as not a single flower is looking good this morning. They all look like the two back flowers and worse.

The small potted rose is doing well in its new soil.  The budded plant is now showing off with one bloom. I am thinking that second bud will open in a few days.  I know people who have set these out in the garden once the weather warms up.  I think I would like to repot it then again and bring it inside for the winter.

This is a vacant shot as the planter with hardy geraniums is not on its shelf yet.  It won't be brought out until next month.  I am going to have to rebuild that blue door this summer as wasn't made of great wood.  I recycled a lot of wood and it doesn't weather as well as if I had bought the correct kind of wood.  I will have the old door for a pattern so it will make it easier to do.

It is a rainy, gloomy day today.  We need the moisture and a true rain probably won't be happening but any moisture we can add will be appreciated.  It is cool in temperature with a lot of wind out there.  I am in the upper classes of English today studying Literature and other such things.  I will be here all day and will miss the majority of the weather we are having.  I hope all are well.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Your blue gate is your signature in the yard; glad you can use this one for a pattern. I love the shot of the clouds/trees. It looks the same here this a.m. I love your rose bush and also the geranium. Take care and thanks for joining in the Mildred china group - so happy to find out that such a thing exists!

  2. Daffodils are the happiest of flowers!! Love your flower pictures Larry!

  3. Looking forward to seeing your peony bloom, nice big bud. It has much different foliage then the ones I have seen here in the upper south.

  4. Daffodils are so pretty! Your door is so distinctive that if you repair it you must paint it the same color:)
