Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday is a Start.......

The rhubarb is coming up now.  It is one of the earliest things to come up and last summer's rains make it ready to start this year.  We had a light rain a few days ago and it did help the soil a little.

A newly moved fern leafed peony is up in its new garden area.  The great thing about it is that there are two buds on it already.  Usually will I move sections to  other areas and it takes two years for me to get buds.  It is on the south side of the house and I am sure will bloom first of all the other peonies in the different garden area.

This is in its fourth year in this location and I see I have one stray bud on one of the sprouts.

While sitting here writing this blog I just remembered that I was going to thin this out and move some of it.  I probably can do that in a couple of weeks anyway.  It is funny how one forgets to do things like this.  I guess gardening is like that anyway as I do things when I see things to be done while I am wandering through the different areas.

I am going to keep my eye out to look for the newer variety of sedum that doesn't lie flat on the ground in the late season of its growth. I am also on the look out for milkweed plants or seed.  That is another story but I need to get on the net and see what I can find.

The phlox are coming up now at this time so I need to rake away some more leaves. I am not certain this shot is phlox but it does fill in the picture space for me. 

I have to go in to school this pm to sub for a half day in the Special Ed. room.  Because of that I need to get all my chores done this morning.  I need to water all those individual pots of tomato plants.  I think all but one plant rooted in so it was a great success.  The farmer in me likes to see them growing.  We are still a little cool this morning and we missed the rains as they are going to be south of us.  We have the gloomy looking day as the cloud cover from that storm is going to be over us most of the day.  I trust all of you will have a good day and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Morning Larry. Remember to pinch back that sedum when it gets to be about...oh maybe six inches tall and then it won't flop as bad. All the older sedums flop or seperate at the center.
    It is gloomy here too and chilly. Have a good day in Special Ed! :)

  2. So good to see all the new growth.
    It just want stop raining here.

  3. Your rhubarb and peony are up far higher than ours! Our peony is still under the snow.
