Monday, April 13, 2015

Monday's a Start...........

The beginning of my tulips blooms started yesterday.  I was surprised as I had not been out there for a while to see stems and buds are on the plants.

It was a bright sunny day yesterday and it was windy.  While waiting for Button to smell out all of the yard I took some shots and kept an eye on him.  The bright light of the day plus the sun really brightens up the birch tree.  I have iris in this area that are about 2 inches above the ground. I see the grass in parts of my yard is doing well but I have a lot of areas that look like they need to be reseeded.

The cherry bush is really looking good after the light rain that we received.   I am on the lookout for bees but haven't seen any yet.  My friends beehive across town should be busy at this time of the year sending out its workers.  I did think that maybe this kind of shrub may self pollinate itself but  maybe I am wrong and don't know what I am talking about.

 I did get my wooden pump righted yesterday and it looks nice and rustic with its barn board wood. I didn't run water through it last year but it is going to happen this year.  The  pond, tank, is half full of snow water and I will probably remove some of it before I put fish into it.  You can see all the ditch lilies are up and seem thicker than ever.  It is because Barney doesn't choose to tromp through this area of plants.  I had to fence off the other areas earlier to keep him out of them.

I am in the classroom today so I won't get work done outside unless I venture outside in the afternoon.  I have cleared a bed of phlox stems and need to do more like that.  I have lost most of my wild rose plants and they don't look like they survived.  Two years of drought really did kill wild roses and I thought that would every happen. I still am getting sticks coming from the trees as the winds have been strong off and on the past two weeks.

I am in science in the morning and math in the afternoon.  It will be a long day.

Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Looks like a beautiful day in your photos. Give Button a pat on the head from us. We have had all day rain. We have one strip of grass between us and the neighbor that needs to be reseeded. We lost a couple of new plants, including a gardenia. Thankfully, Wayside Garden will replace it.

  2. Things are looking good around your garden Larry !
    I love that little pump, such a great piece of garden art.
    Rain here all week, at least there should be plenty of flowers in

  3. Beautiful photographs - as always. And as always I am intrigued by how our weather conditions seem to be in perfect harmony despite all those miles between us. Have a good day in class
