Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Sick Leave......

The younger doves are busy looking for things to eat.  This one seems to be giving me a pose. The silver maples are dropping hulls down from their seed pods.  I don't know if there is some seed that caomes with it.  They seem to be interested in checking it out anyway.

Another shot of the cherry bushes.  I am going out today to see if there are bees out there moving around.  When these blooms fall off there will be cherries forming along the branch, unlike the cherry trees that put out stems with cherries on the end of them.  Seeing the sky blue is great after our long season of gray skies.

I am home today resting from the cold that I have been working on for the past week.  It has messed with my voice so I am a much deeper bass than normal.  I do have a few days to work the rest of the week so I need to feel better for tomorrow.  We are not that warm outside this morning but it is April.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. You are looking more like spring all the time. Take care of that cold:)

  2. Your photos are wonderful. So sorry you are under the weather. Feel better soon.
