Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday's Flowers........

The apple trees have opened up their blooms the past few days.  It was too cold to go out and see that they were budded but now I can not miss seeing them.

Lilac blooms are to be seen in the near future.  I thought the lilacs were first to bloom before the fruit trees but this year they seem later.  They don't look very promising when you view them at this stage but they will look great. My lungs will not like them and I will just take shots of them and not bring any into the house.  I don't like how allergies develop as you get older and I never had them in my youth. 

 The wild violet is doing well in this location.  I treat them like a weed eventually and mow the foliage down.  I get the best of both with the flowers now and then it is a good green ground cover next to the vegetable garden. I think if you click on the photo that you can see the white violets that grow on the edge of the bed.  We never had the mixed colors of violets when I live on the farm as a kid even though friends in town had them.

Here is a close up photo of the mixed colored wild violet.  They only bloom in early spring.

The violets do grow freely and spread freely, even among the weedy areas. You can pick bouquets of them and bring them inside.  They don't last very long but a bunch of them make a quaint little set of blooms.  You have to get out a small vase to put them in as even with long stems they are small.

I have stray tulips planted all over the property instead of a bed of tulips.  These photos show how they won't open when it is so cold. The stem to the right is the wild rose.  It died out on me and I have only a few stems left now.  The two years of drought killed it.  I would never think it could be bothered by drought as it spreads by its roots and somethings seems to be coming up all over the yard from those roots. Not this year. I will get to see all these daylilies bloom this year as they are gettting enought light and space to do so. They were always shaded out by the wild rose.

I get to be home today. I can get some yard work done and will probably have to mow grass in a few days. Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I always wanted Lilac's -- in all the places I have lived never had them, did have a Apple tree and violets. Just not here.

  2. That is a pretty patch of Violets, I call them Woods Violets but that is probably not right. I have only had blue. I think I see some Rose foliage on the left of that photo so don't give up on your Wild Rose:)

  3. I saw wild violets this past weekend at my aunt and uncles. I need to get some for my garden.

  4. We call those white and blue violets Confederate violets. There's probably a story to go with that but I don't know it.
