Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Middle of the Week.......

This photo has blurry foreground buds but look at that sky.  It was a very good sky to photograph with subtle white clouds and a great spring blue sky.

While I was shooting photos three rapture like birds came soaring over, circling around as if they were looking for dead animals to eat.  I guess they could capture live animals but they remind me of a bird that would land along the side of the highway for road kill.They were large in comparison to a red tailed hawk. 

I was able to capture a dandelion that seems in focus and look what is crawling on the flower.  I didn't see it until after I took the shot and I was glad to see everything was in focus.

We were below freezing last night so I am glad my neighbors didn't plant my tomato plants in their garden.  They were thinking about doing so a week ago and my wife told them they were too small.  She knew that they were really jumping the gun to plant them this early.

The color of these tulips are so great.  Notice the cold air keeps them from completely opening.  I hope it makes them last longer.  As you can see in the back right there are yellow ones that are falling apart already. Taking these shots are so difficult as the wind is still very strong and there seems to be a blur in the photo no mater how hard I try.

At one time in the orchard area I had planted iris in a circle.  In between the iris I planted the tulips that you are seeing on the blog.  In the middle I planted a few grape hyacinths. They keep coming up each year but they have not multiplied.  I keep thinking I will dig some of them and move them into a more protected area.  Once the blue balls fall off the foliage they tend to blend back into the other greenery.  I forgot to mention that the iris are no more as they rotted away in a two year period.  Back then I thought it was too much rain and now I now it was the iris borer.

The hostas are doing well as they sprouted up and out very quickly.  I transplanted a lot of them last summer and they do seem to be coming up as planned.

I am a seventh grade English teacher today.  I avoided taking a pe teacher job, stalled maybe I should say and then this middle school job popped up. I was very willing to pick up the job. Another person got the pe job and I know he needed work also.

It is 12 noon now and I finally finished this blog.  It is an early out today so it will make it a good day.  I hope everyone starts to warm up now and we can get on with spring.  Stay safe out there those who are getting flooding and stay warm to those who are still experiencing snow.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. We are still to wet and cold. The framers can't plant their corn yet and that is bad. Even so the plants in our yard are coming on.
    I guess they will be planting the corn next to you soon?

  2. Our hostas that a neighbor gave us last summer are popping up too. Usually a hail storm tears up the leaves! We are really windy with lots of pollen.

  3. Your Apple Blossoms are so pretty! AND you have a happy Dandy already! It is cold here again today but no snow today..yet:)
