Thursday, April 16, 2015 Jueves........

Looking through the forsythia you can see that there are not very many blooms. This is a good show for this year as usually there are less than this.

The rhubarb is doing well as you can see.  I was asked by a friend if it was ready but in a couple of weeks I think it really will be mature enough to harvest.

It is a lot of foliage but there are no buds yet.  I will be anxious to see some daffodils.  I have two different kinds here and the other variety is to the right of this one.

 The New England bluebells are getting ready to bloom.  They look like rows of bells once they all open. The plant looks very green here regardless of the dry soil.  They are early to mature as the ferns will be poking through soon and they will be overcome by them.

The phlox stems make a nice pattern on the patio as they await for me to take them away.  Having them cleared is a big step for me so getting them out of there will be the weekend job plus some raking.

Happiness is seeing iris recouping from the grub infestation.  I really don't see any iris that did not make it through my treatment and also moving of them to new locations. I did completely lose some iris as there wasn't anything left to salvage.

I may water them as they do need all the help that I can give them to get blooms from them this year. I know that I bought three new varieties last summer so I will be glad to see them this summer in bloom.

This is the black and white version of the tulip photo that really is in color. I will share more tulips as they come out.  I don't really have a very good collection of them but macro shots make them look great. I am an associate today helping different students in the classrooms.  It seems to have become a long week when having a cold is involved.  I am better today and will make it through Friday.  Grandson called his grandma last night to sing happy birthday to her.  It was the best version the he has ever done.  AJ and his dad both had colds and we both had colds on the other end of the line. Spring is going to turn into summer here very quickly.  We jump from mild California type weather into hot weather in just a few days.  There is never ever any dragging out the mild great spring weather in Iowa.  It is one extreme or the other.  I hope all of you are well today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I know A J's happy birthday song just made her day complete.
    Hope your colds will be gone soon.
    We are still wet and cool, but the flowers are sure growing and the roses have buds.

  2. How precious that AJ sang happy birthday. So sorry you all are struggling with colds. We have been very hot until yesterday. Back in the 50's again. It is fun to hear about/see your plants.

  3. Your Forsythia is beautiful!! How wonderful to have a Birthday Song by a Grand!!
    Far Guy is ill again, I hope you both get better soon:)
