Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Slim Pickings............

I do have some new photos taken and they are home on one of the cameras.  I thought they were already downloaded but no they were not.  I am sharing what I have and that will be it.  The lilac above is an older shrub and it is now showing green leaves.  The buds seem insignificant right now but all of sudden there will be great colors of blossoms.  I took this shot because of the great sky behind it.

I have this photo as a header on my Photo a Day blog and I will share it here too.  I have some people who never leave my Creative Zone and sometimes are surprised I have more blogs. I cecked the cherry blooms yesterday and there are a lot of petals on the ground right now.

Some tomatoes get the privilege to sit on the dinning room table to get lots of light.  I am showing the cactus that is in trouble.  The plant was created in a green house by placing a large chunk of it in the soil.  It sprouted out all of these limbs but since it was overwatered, the limbs are rotting off of the base.  Two major parts have fallen off and I have put them into drier soil to see if I can start them.

It is Wednesday and it is my wife's birthday.  After work I will be taking her to an Italian place and we will eat a lot of food.  She has a carrot cake at home that we will enjoy when we get back home. 
We both are still under the weather somewhat.  We are better and eating out will make us feel better.  I thank all of you for stopping by today.


  1. Happy Birthday to your Della! Now maybe you can tell us about that shopping quest for the perfect gift for her! That plant should root easily...shove several of the nodes down into the potting soil:)

  2. I wished Della a happy birthday on facebook and like Far Side commented, you'll have to share what gift you purchased for her.

    I just met an interesting blogger, Tom The Backroads Traveller, and I think you two would hit it off. Here is a link to his post on murals:

  3. Mildred from Cat Tales sent me. Great to see that your world is coming to life. Tom The Backroads Traveller
