Thursday, May 7, 2015

Rainy Season......

The wild violets are though and hang in there through a lot of spring.  The blossoms of the fruit trees are all gone now with all the rains.  I hope the bees got their work done so I get some cherries, apples and pears.

The hostas are really taking off with all the rain.  I didn't realize that they were late to start but once they do they really fill in fast.

The new start actually put out larger leaves than its parent plant.  I keep thinking this is "sum and substance" but I guess they have larger leaves than this.  I hear there is a special new one being sold at Walmart.  I saw it in someone's garden on facebook.

With all the different short rainy days I am betting this will be my best shot to show how the blooms are looking.

It was getting to be evening and the camera won't pick up a clear shot.  This though does show a new kind of bird that has been visiting the feeder the past two days.  My wife says it has been at the feeder in the window in the day and I saw it at the tray feeder too. I see that it is a house finch but we have never one with so much red on it. I will not call it a purple finch as it is not one.  An afterthought could be that these guys are not so red in the winter.

This spirea shot doesn't show the long draping stems of flowers.  I had to look closely to identify the shrub.  I showed the whole shrub yesterday and today this is a close shot.

I am an associate again today.  It seems like the day is going to be a wet one outside all day.  Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. We are looking to get rain from that bad storm in Oklahoma.
    Your hostas is a pretty green.
    Have a great day!

  2. Our hostas are either still underground or just 1" spikes.

  3. Oh I have enjoyed all your pictures in your garden .

    Sitting here and commenting on your first memory snaps. Now down to here.
