Friday, May 8, 2015

The Finishing of the Week......

The black cat with white paws is a frequent visitor to the yard to get a free lunch.  We never get to pet the cat but it isn't as scared as it use to be.  The shadow here is what makes the photo.  I believe the cat was just about to sit down and wash a paw or two so it has a strange looking stride when I took the shot.

The flowers on the very tips are now opening up into their star shapes. The globe allium has spread itself into the yard as well as now into another garden 20 feet away.  I hate to mow the ones that come up in the yard but I did eliminate a few small ones when I mowed the grass.

The remains of fall will be eliminated soon.  I have a birdbath full of leaves and the orange color is neat. I should get it dumped so I can get the free water from the sky to fill it up again. The weekend is here and I bet I can get it done. I did get a new daylily planted a few days back.  I had bought it a month ago and I finally was outside with it in hand and put it into the ground.

I don't usually fill the feeders for this long but it seems to be paying off as the young cardinals enjoy not having to go out an look for food.  I had a redbellied woodpecker begging for fresh suet yesterday afternoon.  I obeyed by taking the cake from the bottom of the refrigerator and putting it ont the feeder.  The woodpecker didn't return but maybe today it will.

It still looks a lot like spring but most of the blooms of the fruit trees are already gone.  The lilacs are in bloom along with the one aronia berry bush.  The mock orange shrub will bloom a little later. The grass is growing well and the lawn does need to be mowed again.  I can start to mow back the wild violets in another week. 

Picasa put its special effects on the bleeding heart shot.  In some ways I think the filter effects makes the picture out of focus.  I guess they are fuzzing up the outside edges now that I look at it more fully. Maybe I don't like it now that I know that.

It is a busy day at school again today.  I will be glad to return home and start the weekend.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Pretty cat. Cats are funny. They will be just going along and decide they need to bathe a particular spot!
    Your blooms are so pretty. I know you look forward to the mock orange blooming.
    Hope you two have a blessed weekend.

  2. You are showing flowers I have never had. Most just don't like our hot weather or the gumbo for dirt we have. Hope you are having a good day.

  3. Nice post, Larry. I do like the allium though mine are the giant variety. They haven't shown any tendency to spread yet...:)

  4. I love that picture of the Allium.

  5. Your Allium is stunning! I hope you have a restful weekend! :)
