Saturday, May 23, 2015

Saturday's Show......

The drought took out most all of my wild roses.  I spent a lot of time cutting back dead stems and taking them to be burned. This is the first that I have of any blooms for two years.  I know from experience that the two or three stalks of wild rose will again rear their heads and spread all over the garden. It is early in the season for them so I am hoping for a better photo of the blooms.

This new iris is not of the larger variety of iris.  In real life the pink is almost a brown pink or the color looks dirty.  I like the blues and oranges on the petals but as far as the color goes, I have to coax it to look better by editing it with photoshop. I have the card that came with this rhizome  and will have to look at its pedigree discription. 

Another one of my cemetery iris is open.  I think that I only have one stalk of buds so I will be getting as many shots as I can before they go bad from rain or wind. I posted the brown and yellow iris on my Photo a Day today.  Check it out if you want by clicking the link.

I am excited to see the height of the bleeding heart plant.  I thought maybe I had a dwarfed variety of it but it is getting taller like the one I remembered back when I lived on the farm. I am revealing with this photo all my grass and stuff that needs to be weeded in the  background.  I am home for good from school so I can start hitting the gardens everyday.  I physically can not go out and work for long days any more but an hour or so in the yard each day will gradually change the looks out there.   I mowed this morning and didn't finish.  Maybe Monday I can hit the rest of it. My neighbor has a new push mower and he graciously mowed some of my fence row next to his yard which helped me out a lot. It is so nice to have lots of rain to make things become to green and big. I mowed the back yard for Button this morning so he can get around back there.  I don't think he actually knows what I did but the jungle is gone and he does like that.

A three day weekend is upon us.  I know that we have no plans at this point but maybe we will be spontaneous.  I need down time from school and that should last all summer for sure.   Thanks to all of you who stop by my posting.


  1. That is a unique colored peachy glad to hear you are done with school and can concentrate on yard and house work and projects you enjoy:)

  2. I know you are glad to be out of school, so you can play in the garden and keep the yard cut, no rush now.
