Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday Rains.....

The youngster bird is growing.  He isn't quite adult size but he is getting pretty close to it. His sister ia at the bottom of this blog and she too is almost full grown too.

The patterns of color compete with the most beautiful part of iris with the shapes of the form of the flower.  All flowers are my favorites but iris are a fascinating flower.

I worked out in the orchard area yesterday carrying a years worth of dead limbs and sticks to the burn pile.  I had to walk way around these blooms to keep from damaging them.  I did loose one once as I took over an old lilac branch.  It tore up all of the parts of the flower. It was nice to get my wood pile removed so I can mow the entire orchard area now.

While checking out a new garden area, I look down and see I did plant a hosta in the garden here.  I don't remember putting it there but is looks small but very healthy.  It has all summer to get bigger.  Our rains for the day will make it grow. I am glad I move things around as I do keep increasing the plants in the gardens.

The sister to the male cardinal at the top of the blog is enjoying the new batch of seed on the tray.  She is young and doesn't have the fear that a full grown bird has.  She stayed five minutes or more at the feeder picking at the seed pile.

It is a rainy day and promises to give a good dose of water.  We are grateful to not be in a drought anymore. I don't like the dark days but it gives me time to rest up before I go out and finish my mowing. I have so much weeding and mowing to get at that I will be busy for a couple of weeks straight. My tomato plants have all lived that I planted outside and yesterday I put out some cherry tomato plants into a pot for growing on the patio.  Warm sunshine will be welcomed by all of the plants and summer is coming along soon. It will be a typical Sunday around here and this afternoon we will be home.  Thanks for stopping by today. 


  1. I like that hosta and your iris are still nice, mine are all gone for a another year.

  2. How lucky are you to have baby Cardinals!! What fun to watch. I just finished mowing some grass but mostly those dandys heads from the last time I mowed! Have a good Sunday:)

  3. Cardinals are just special. Glad you got the chance to get out and work in the garden. We've had a lot of rain too, but I'm not complaining!
