Saturday, May 9, 2015


The columbine bloom isn't quite open and the light makes it have an orange color.  I see another set of  buds are there ready to develop into blooms.  This plant is the kind we see that grows wild in the timbers in Iowa.  I liked finding them as a kid down on the farm and would bring plants to the house to plant in our flower gardens.  It grew best on the north side of our house.

This is another shot of the muli-petaled  tulip.  It has lasted a long time enduring a variety of weather.

This is a close shot of my aronia berry bush.  I had a hard time identifying the photo after I had edited it but I know it isn't the spirea.  I do remember trying for the shot and it is the aronia berry bush.

I know of two different families that live near here that are growing the shrubs for companies.  I kidded one of the families on facebook about the hundreds of them that they had and a neighbor corrected me saying they had planted thousands. I need to drive down to Granger to see the sight of them.  I hope the company is coming in to harvest them. They can be picked in clusters of berries but they must have a machine that will do the job.

My yard is calling to me to come and mow it.  It is cold and I will wear a parka probably with the hood up.  I need to mow and early morning fits the schedule of things to do best. We have a cool day for most of the day but it will warm up by evening.  We will be hot tomorrow so the predicted severe weather will develop. The predictions continue to miss it a lot so we will just take what we get as we go along.   I thank you for stopping in today and have a good weekend.


  1. I had to look up to see what a Aronia berry was. That tulip is lovely. Not one of my tulips come back this year.

  2. Lovely flower photos! I wish that Honeysuckle was in my yard:)
