Saturday, May 16, 2015

Spotlights on Saturday Stuff.......

The one insect got to this iris before it opened. Every single petal has the one hole in it to show its tunneling into the bud. I was more disappointed that I found iris blooms laying on the ground.  The rains the last two days have cause the stems to be so full of water that they bend over from the weight. In some cases I found iris blooms hidden in tall grass, not knowing that there had even been a stem on the plant. 

I like the shorter old fashioned iris because they always stand straight and hold up their stems.  This was the first to bloom and I think this is the last bloom for this one iris plant.  It is a classic in color and shape.

This is the last of the blooms for the fernleaf for this season. They come early in the season and the traditional kind of peony will now start to bloom. I have some peonies that I moved from the farm that will bloom this year for their first time in three seasons since I planted them. I am anxious to take shots of all peonies when they start to bloom.

The globes are lasting a long time.  I guess I think I take too many shots of them but if it does warm up and we see sunshine I might just go out and take some more pictures. They are like weeds as they have spread into the entire garden area and yard.  Once they die back the hostas and one rose will show up in their place.

 We are suppose to be in the low 80's, F. today and it does feel warm outside already this morning.  It also is cloudy and looking rainy.  I worked a long week last week and school is closing down soon.  I am glad to be home today. I hope all is well with you out there in the world.  Thank you for coming by this day.


  1. Always nice to see what is blooming in your yard. Your temp is pretty warm today. We were hoping for rain, but looks like it might miss us. The strawberry rhubarb cobbler sounds very tasty; John has fond memories of his grandmother in MI making this treat for him. Get some rest this weekend.

  2. I really appreciate your 'yard tour' each day........reminds me of my own. I must get some of those, what did you call them, Allium? I love things that spread themselves IF I can keep up with them. My Seven Steps to Heaven are coming up THROUGH my bicolor monkey grass, and THAT is not acceptable !

  3. Looking at the pictures of the flowers in your yard makes me want to add more color in my yard.

  4. AJ's new photo is great on your sidebar! Your Iris are so pretty. It rained really hard this is cool here. After the rains stop more may be blooming:)

  5. I enjoy your little tour of your garden, all the rain has surely brought the best out in your flowers.
    Iris are some of my favorite flowers, I just wished they lasted a little longer.
