Sunday, May 17, 2015

A Day to Rest.....

The rains have made the spirea bloom so abundantly that they don't look like my normal spirea. In dry weather they just don't bloom out this abundantly.

My pink weigela is full of dead branches but I noticed yesterday there was one long branch that is blooming.  I am still going to cut it all back so I might get full blooms again next year. The long branch was stretched into the redder weigela and I didn't know there was a live branch on the shrub until it bloomed out.

This newly planted area is growing in well.  Only one of the iris will bloom this year but next year it should look great.

The construction people were back to add some more soil.  I have a new photo to show my new pond.  I hope I get frogs. The newest photo will show 10 times the amount of water from the rains we received last night.  Maybe I should plant cattails in the ditch.  I bet the city would not like that.

We were awakened at 2 in the morning by our severe weather warning system.  A funnel cloud went by us on the west edge of town in the country.  It took us an hour to get the all clear before the funnel clouds headed north two counties up.  It does interrupt a good night sleep but it is better to be safe.  Our town siren was turned on and left running for 15 minutes or more.  I just got word this afternoon that a first cousin and his wife were hit by funnel action down in southern Iowa.  Theu lost their outer buildings early this morning on their farm and did have some damage to the house. When I saw photos on facebook I remembered that my dad helped build their house. We were not effected by that storm but it was the same straight line storm that was moving through the state. The storm did move at a slow pace to the north east and it did stretch north to south borders of the state.  We were completely silent once the storm moved through and Button just had to go out then.

I am late blogging today but I do have new pictures taken now for tomorrow.  We are windy today, stronger than a normal windy day.  I am  picking up iris off of the ground and restaking tomato plants for their safety.  I did have one of the plants that I put in yesterday break off but I have 9 more plants yet to be put in and I can replace that one for sure.  If we don't blow away I will see you tomorrow. Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are safe from the tornado. It rained here again today...we like the moisture it is good for the trees:)
