Saturday, May 2, 2015

Spring Continues..........

The Asiatic lily is going to do well this year.  It had a bad go of it last spring.  Also in the photo is a sedum and a part of a yucca plant. I have had this lily for probably 20 years.

There is plenty for the bees to share but I still can't get a photo of one. A close up shot makes them look more like magnolias.  If I had apples on the tree for every bloom I will have hundreds of apples.  I don't think that is the way it happens though and only a few of the blooms become apples.

I need to finish my mowing today and pick up more sticks.  It is always good to get everything mowed so that if a stick fall to the ground I can then see it.  It is cold again this morning and then we will warm up to 75 degrees F.  this afternoon.  I hope everyone has a great day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Larry,
    While I love all tulips, and have much enjoyed those you have posted so far this spring, a red tulip is my favorite, they just sing spring to me. And that is a wonderful pic of the apple blooms, with or without bees.- G

  2. Hope you have a great day also!

  3. Very nice photos. I love the apple blossoms. Glad it is warmer there this afternoon. Enjoy your weekend.
