Friday, May 1, 2015

Friday For Sure........

Great colors shown on this particular tulip.  I haven't planted new tulips for a long time so I don't even know how long that I have had this one.

Dead tree alert here as the largest of these two is dead.  I know that these cheap trees don't live for very long and it is why they sell them for so little money.  The volunteer one next to the big one is doing fine.  That removal will have to wait until the summer.  Free firewood for anyone who wants to come and get it.

 I was able to get three sections of my yard mowed last evening.  I appreciate the new wheel barrow as I filled it up with lots of sticks. I didn't have any asthma attacks from the process but that doesn't mean that it could happen on the third or fourth mowing.  I was going to wear a mask last night and forgot to get it out.  I can't really breath through those masks.

I am getting too old to deal with anger so I will be just sad and very disappointed.  The gentle slop of the ditch is now a country road ditch.  It doesn't look treacherous but I really don't think I will be able to get a push mower in there and mow it. For a small town it seems strange to treat it like a gravel road in the country.

All that we needed was a new culvert and instead we got a heavy duty highway pipe.  I am thinking they will return with spades and do more to this area.  I really hope that it is not going to be left to be exposed this much. All work so far was done by a mini crane and bob cat.

It would be my wish that this red maple lives.  If it had not been there they would have gone all the way to the sidewalk. The water valve is also right next to the sidewalk sow with a little erosion, it will be exposed.  I feel like we are going to need guard rails along the sidewalk to keep people from falling into the ditch.

This will be the last of my photo documentary.  I may put something into the ditch so that you can see what I mean about deep and steep.  I have seen these in the town of Boone and the ditch is actually a place for tall grasses to grow.  That will be sad.

I am glad that I took this photo to the left.

It is Friday and I am subbing in the science room in the morning and the government and econ room in the afternoon,   The seniors have decided to take a skip day today, not approved, so my afternoon classes will be very small.

I am hoping that I can get the last of my mowing done this afternoon.  I lost a big area here where I don't have to mow anymore.  Thank you for stopping by and do find good things to do over the weekend.


  1. Sorry they did that to you, why over do a simple project?
    We are having yard problems over to much water and it,s flow. As they say You just cant fight city hall.

  2. I am sorry about this project gone bad. Like you, we try our best to not get too worked up over things we have no control over but it is hard. Sometimes our blood pressure feels like it is sky high. I've been following Patsy and Bennie's battle with their rude neighbor over water runoff redirected toward them. We have a "new" neighbor who refuses to cut his grass - so disrespectful to the rest of us. Always something.
    I do hope you can finish the grass mowing and get some r&r this weekend.

  3. CRAP...looks like some ditch, are they going to do the same thing to the other side of the road? Tall Grasses is about the only thing that will grow there and look half way decent but they will catch garbage too. Ditch Lilies maybe:)
