Monday, May 4, 2015

Spring Sensations.......

The fernleafed peony was trying to bloom but when it turned cold it closed back up. I guess it is protecting itself from wind and cold.

Yesterday I caught it opened but the showers or sprinkles had done a number on it. The flower is a delicate one of thin petals so any wind or rain really can destroy it.

This viburnum is starting to bloom.  It takes it a while for the small buds to open but it is a pretty set of blooms.  I didn't see this shrub form buds or bloom last year.  I guess the buds must have been frozen off last spring.  I would have to research my past blogs to find out the identity of this shrub.  I did find it and I think strawberry is a part of the name.

The honeysuckle is starting to bloom.  We are predicted to have rains every day this week so I will sneak shots before they get ruined.

The woodland phlox is a little bit shy right now but it will look better.  I brought some bulbs of this from the timber and planted it here years ago. I was always fascinated when young.  I saw them grow while in our timber on the farm as they spread through out the wild woods.  I would pick handfuls of it and it really doesn't work as a cut flower. They would always be crushed in my hand as I carried them around and then they were a wilted bouquet when I did put them in water.

Can you smell them from here?  We have a lot of things in bloom right now.  I guess I deliberately bought flowering things for spring but it did happen in large spans of time. The lilacs were one of the first things I planted and the white lilacs I took from the neighbors alley a year later.  All the fruit trees were bought in a span of 15 years and the flowering chokecherry was about 6 years ago. A man stopped by to drop off some papers for my wife to see and he said his sinuses shut down as soon as he got out of the car.

We have a wet week promised to us as it is to rain every day through Sunday.  We need the rain so I can't complain.  We are still having the hot days and cold nights situation that is  taking place.  I put up an window air conditioner in last night in our upstairs and the attic upstairs holds a lot of heat through the night when we have warm days.  It cooled down enough by the time we went to bed that I could turn it off and open the windows.   I hope everyone has a good Monday and the weeks goes well.  Thank you for stopping by today. 


  1. Beautiful photos, especially the lilac. I know you need the rain. Your window a/c should help to get the stuffiness out of the air when it has been a hot afternoon. Wishing you both a nice week.

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog, Larry. Could you please post pics of the morels there in Iowa? Thanks.

  3. Oh, those lilacs! Mine had only two puny blooms this year.

  4. Great photos Larry! The Lilac is so pretty! We are supposed to get rain too! :)
