Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Second Day............

Silver maple seeds are falling and they came down in a clump with this batch.  Normally they fall like little helicopters spinning down to the ground two at a time.  I believe squirrels like to clip bunches of these off the branches but they don't always catch them once they become unattached.

The globe allum plants are starting to bloom.  Some have volunteered to grow in the yard and I didn't mow some of them. This one had fallen to the ground so I didn't have to worry about the wind blowing it around.  The blooms of each little flower still are not opened completely.

The tulip is not a traditional one as it matures it opens up into a star shape.

It is a great looking flower at all angles. I took many shots of it and will share more later.

We are living in misty land today.  It has been a gentle mist all night and this morning seems to be the same. A weather person did say that we finally accumulated an inch of rain from all our little sprinkles and spotty rains of the last two days. I am following an uncooperative young man today. It will prove to be interesting day.  I hope everyone is doing well and thanks for stopping by today.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. That tulip is a beauty! We are supposed to get rain tonight or tomorrow!! :)
