Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Rainy Day Today......

The rain can mess up one's hair.  The guy who fills the feeder needs to put more food out as the squirrels have to do this kind of thing to get breakfast. I did go out in the rain and he is now at the tray feeder eating seed.

This low vine type shrub puts out great color.  It is so low on the ground that it really can't be seen very well.  I may move some of this to a different new area this spring to see if it might need more light.

I shared the culvert photo yesterday and today I will let you see the roots to my red maple tree.  I think the tree may live but I can see it damaging this many roots on half of the tree might cause a problem.  They didn't get to the main tap root so it will be just a wait and see game.

This is one of my new hostas that seems to be glad as to where I have planted it.  I like the colors of green on the leaves and as big as it is now I can see it will do well in this particular location.  It is in the new planting area that I created because I removed the old large spreading juniper.

I am having a difficult time taking pictures of the lily of the valley but I will keep trying. I have to crop out so much to make it into a good photo.

As you can see that my ash tree didn't die.  I guess the droughts were messing with it as this spring it is fully leafed out for the summer.  It hasn't done that for three years but looked more dead than alive.  It would slowly leaf out in spots and eventually would be filled in with leaves.  Des Moines is radically taking down every ash tree that they can get to.  My son's town in Chicago area took his ash trees along the street a year ago.

The redtwig dogwood is blooming now. It will have small berries on it after the bloom stage.  I didn't lose the shrub because of the ditch making by the city but I voluntarily took off the east side of it next to the ditch.  It will be sitting on a cliff so to speak and I don't want it to spread down the cliff.

I am home today, on this rainy day, and have a lot of odd jobs to get done.  I hope everyone is doing good today.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Sweet Lily of the valley is a good childhood memory for me , but I have never had it in my gardens.

  2. I would love to be able to grow lily of the valley. It's such a sweet flower.

    Have a great weekend ~ FlowerLady

  3. The tree will be okay but the roots should be kept wet...root pruning is done sometimes to trees...but I say ouch too! :(
