Wednesday, May 13, 2015

In the Middle.........

Blending in with the foliage my ornamental frog seems content.  I brought it up from the basement and set it to the side for placement later.  Right now he is behind a large growth of iris and isn't really being much of a decoration that most people would see.

My blackish colored iris is putting out only one bud this year.  I usually have a couple of dozen blooms from the plant.  I did dig out some of it and moved it to another location. Hopefully it will bloom in its new location.  I moved so many iris last summer that I don't know what colors are where.  It will be a wait and see game as they each bloom.

The smallest old fashion iris are now blooming.  I see that the ones like this  are blooming at school.  When the science teacher voluntarily landscapes a new wing of our school he brought in a bunch of old fashioned roses.  I call them cemetery iris as that is where you see them most in our old cemeteries.  I see the black iris that I gave him two years ago is going to bloom well at school. I will have to take my camera up to get photos of it.

The spirea has really come into full bloom right now.  I was taking shots of it earlier thinking that it wouldn't be doing well this year.  I guess I was judging it to soon.

With this macro shot you can see that they have filled in with a lot of clusters of blooms. I moved this shrub here from an old row of bushes when I first moved here 30 years ago.  This bush had to be cut down to the ground and now after two years it is good as new.

The bishop's weed is going to grow a full cover this year. "Snow on the mountain" is the other name for it and I think there is one more name out there that I don't remember. Some gardeners are hesitant to put it in their garden but I have it in an area where nothing else will grow. It didn't seem to do very well as a plant but this spring I can see it will thrive.

I will finish off with a little bit of color.  This iris was the first to bloom and it seems to have a lot of buds yet to open.

I have a half day job today and then we are headed to Des Moines in the afternoon.  We need to take my wife's friend to the doctor.  She could take the bus but I think us driving her there would be a lot better.  School is closing down soon and seniors are checking out today.  The will graduate on Sunday afternoon.

I am ready for school to be done and I can get to work at home.  We have been too cold yet for planting of tomatoes but it is going to happen soon.  I am thinking I have tomorrow off so far so I can get things started.  I hope all are doing well. Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. It has turned very cool here, but the flowers don't seam to mine. Like yours they are blooming away.
    Have a safe trip.

  2. The Bishop's Weed seems worthy of a space in the garden because it's foliage is stunning.

    Your spirea is so lovely, does it attract a lot of bees?

    Are irises a favorite of yours ?

    BTW, I often think some of the best garden adornment is the surprises one finds as they walk around them. A hidden frog is a wonderful surprise.

  3. Beautiful Spirea! Our irises; our haven't really started yet. But our Fernleaf Peony is now starting to show some blooms.

  4. That is a beautiful Spirea! Your Iris are such pretty colors, I like the old fashioned ones the best. You are almost at the end of the school year!! :) Rainy and cold here, our lawn is growing! :)

  5. You have some lovely blooms, Larry, and purple anything is my favorite color and that iris is great! Thanks for the aiD on those small white flowers as a neighbor has one of these spirea in bloom, but I didn't know its name.
