Thursday, May 21, 2015

Thursday's Shots.........

As the construction continued the white iris has stood its ground.  Three main stalks with a lot of big white blooms. The machinery has been removed from the area so I guess they finished up yesterday.  I have not been out to see what they did to get the ditch to drain the right way.  We have not had any rain in which we can test it.  These shots were taken in a period of time when it was not blowing.  It let me get good specimen shots.

Every spring I like to get a shot of the barberry shrub.  The leaves don't stay red but it seems that the new growth is red for a while.

This weigela keeps putting out great blooms.  I see they are starting to look a little weathered but the color is still great. It is the best that it has looked for a long time.

I am subbing today for teachers who are in meetings today and will do so tomorrow for a technology person who is collecting students computers for the school year.  Tomorrow will be my last possible day to work and I will be done for the summer.   We are having a sunny day today and we will be having normal weather for a while.  I need to catch up on all the outside work now as I couldn't or wouldn't get out in the rain and the cold.    Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Beautiful shots, just hope they fixed the drain right this time.

  2. These, and your previous iris photos, are lovely!

  3. Barberry bushes are so stunning , but lo & beware when weeding around them !

    The flowers are so beautiful and tis time of the year provides so many blossoms for us crazy photographers.

  4. Glad the iris has stood its ground, Larry, and it is one of my favorite spring flowers too. Congrats on nearing the end of the school year this week!
