Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wading into Wednesday......

Larger than life this white iris is a winner in my book.  It seems to grow strong for a hybrid iris and I will probably move some of it elsewhere for next year.  It has really spread out so I can remove parts of it and it won't even show.

The pin oak has leafed out for the season.  This is the north of the house one which leafs out first.  The pin oak in the back yard is just now putting on leaf buds.

It is an older shrub that was given to me years ago.  It doesn't usually bloom but this spring it did. I use to call it a Russian Olive but I don't necessarily think that is correct.  As a specimen, it is not that good of a shrub for show.  I trim it back each summer as it grows so tall to block the art gallery window where my wife works .It's flowers are closer to being like honeysuckle and the smaller branches do have thorns.

I see I have an insect crawling around on the flower here.  I have thought about taking this bush out of the area but I don't want to replant anything there at the time. It is just easier to trim it back each year.

I have so many iris photos right now that I don't remember which ones that I have shared.  This is a new photo of a branch that I brought inside.  They are all blooming at the same time because it is nice and warm in the house.

I have the day off today and it feels like I just need to rest today.  I can't mow as it keeps drizzling and I think it would be best to wait.  I have two more days of work and then I will be done for the school season.  The last two days of school are Tuesday and Wednesday of next week and I won't get called in to do any of those days.  One day the middle school is going to Adventureland the the next day is a short day for them to check out and go home.  I will be glad to check out from school also and just go home.

Thanks for stopping in today.  Have a good day everyone.


  1. I never get tired of looking at iris.

  2. That first iris photo is eye grabbing! Love all iris colors. They really are going great here too right now.
