Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday's Things........

The leaves are out on this tree.  It drops many seeds on the ground which are not very desirable but I am glad the tree has recouped from the two years of drought.

Lush and green is the look of this garden area and back garden area.  The concrete white swan and the one lone white tulip throws off the balance.  The wild violets will eventually be mowed and the circle garden area can be more clearly identified.

I am having a difficult time this spring photographing iris. The rain makes the blooms wimpy and the wind keeps things curled under or out of shape. This is an old fashion iris that I brought from my parents home. It is just the tradition purple and blue iris.

I bought some new iris last summer and I don't think they are going to give me any blooms this year. They seem all to be very healthy but it will probably be a building time this year to get the roots they need to bloom with next year.

Adding a spot of different color to my blog today will be this aging tulip.  It is fading and spreading out before it starts to drop off its petals. It was a good year for tulips but I do need to get more and group them better in a protected location. 

The globe allium has done well this year giving me a blanket of color in the back yard.  I had to encourage Barney not to walk through this are earlier in spring but once they are full grown he stays out of them.

Barney had an active day yesterday so he has been limping around a lot last evening.  He is better today but he is getting old and should be less determined when barking at all the passing offenders on the sidewalk.

We are going to start to warm up again.  Our furnace has run the last few days to bring the house up to a comfortable warm.  It seems strange as we were running the air not to long ago.  It will be good to see temperatures a little warmer and then we can get the tomatoes into the ground.  They like warm soil and it might be happening the next few days.  Thank you for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Your Globe Allium is stunning! That is a great photo! I have always enjoyed that plant but never grew any! Raining here too and cool:)
