Monday, June 15, 2015

A Wet Monday......

An abstract shot of a plastic bag of goldfish, floating in the water, waiting to get use to the water temperature of the tank. On the left is the large goldfish that is quite concerned for those in the bag. 

Right before I released them I did take  a shot of them ready to be freed. I have decided that no matter what, buying fish at Walmart will be a patience testing experience every single time.  Waiting on an unqualified or untrained person to capture small, fast moving fish for another customer was a very frustrating business. When I did get to have my turn it didn't take very long to capture my cheap goldfish.  I asked for 8 and ended up with 10 fish.  I will say no more as I am sure I have irritated people in my life. I deserve the return balance.

I noticed yesterday for the first time this spring that the bishop's weed has been successfuly  started in this new area. All the rain makes it stand up tall and it apparently had spread last year but the leaves were so wimpy then.

Another surprise I found yesterday while sneaking time between rains outside is that the hydrangeas are in bloom.  I saw buds earlier and they must all seem to have bloomed at the same time the last two days. Pictures will be shown tomorrow.

Another surprise bloom for me is the Stella lily.  I had been seeing the ones at commercial sites that were blooming  and their plants are all out in full sun.  Mine is om partial shade so it seem to be blooming less. A very decorative bug seems to be looking like a modern artwork is sitting on the bloom.

The field lilies are gearing up to put out blooms very soon.  It is interesting to see how quickly that they shoot up stems with buds.  This back area is so lush this year that it is hard to walk through even on the sidewalks. 

It is Monday and I will be doing my chores and framing today.  It isn't very pleasant when I look outside but I guess we will have a short break from the rain soon.  I do see some clearing of clouds straight above us.  I hope all is well with those who check in on my posting today.  Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hello Larry, You sure have a nice variety of plants and I enjoy the photos you share. The Bishop's Weed is new to me. I look forward to the hydrangea blooms tomorrow. Best wishes with the framing jobs. No rain here for several days and it is near 100 today.

  2. We also had a very wet and rainy Monday in Nashua, NH, Larry. Your garden flowers are doing well.

  3. 70 degrees barely today and a north wind. Lovely coolness:) Hope all the little fish survive...I bet you showed that Wallyworld employee a thing or two about catching fish:)
