Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tuesday with No Rain...

The hydrangea started blooming a couple of days ago.  This  photo is one that is late in the process and has not turned white.

 It is the old fashion hydrangea that can be seen at all the old farmsteads in the country.  Also a lot of the older towns have it at many of the older homes. I am sure it was shared from farmhouse to farmhouse in the early years of our state.  When I was a kid I would admire them but our farm did not have the plant.  I dug a part of this from a vacant house up the street a few years back.  The next buyer of the house removed all of it and it does not grows on that property now. The view you see here is of blooms that are not completely opened yet.

White in certain light it is hard to photograph.  I think this shot is almost in focus. This shows that they are not full in bloom yet as they are very round in shape as of yet.

I think the eggs have hatched as you can see she is sitting very high up out of the nest. I guess I need to spend some time out there, now that the rain has stopped to see what she is doing.  I don't know how long it takes for the eggs to hatch but I do know from my  past photos she was sitting way down into the nest like she was sitting inside a saucer. I had a hard time getting any photo with her full face showing as the leaves or limbs seemed to always be in the way.

The past month the tomatoes have really rooted in and are growing. This is a before shot.

This is the after shot of the same tomato.  The continue rains seem to really encourage them to grow as most of mine are now double in size.  I have bunches of blooms ready to open so there should be tomatoes on the vine by next week. I have two varieties of tomatoes in this pot and the one on the other side of the pot is a tall skinny one which I need to tie to the stake to keep it from falling down. 

Our grandson AJ loves trains.  He loves to watch Thomas the Train on television.  His parents took him to Union, Illinois last weekend and his dreams came true.  He still is a little guy being 2 years 4 months, but he still had a great understanding of what he was seeing.  He is riding the train here and is waving to someone as they ride down the track. Our son sent us a lot of photos and I think his dad likes trains too. I was thinking that when AJ watches Thomas now he can understand what it is like to ride in one of his passenger cars.

Today is our 31st wedding anniversary.  The time really has flown by for us.  We will go out to eat at the Cheesecake Factory restaurant early today to beat the evening crowd.  It would be nice to go to a movie but we are not seeing anything on the bill that looks like we would want to see.

I will go mow my hayfield this morning and probably have to wear a coat.  It is cold this morning but I warm up while pushing a mower.  The neighbors all mowed three days ago when there was a break in the weather but I am going to do it today.  The boy's backyard is getting a  little long too.  I don't know what the weather will be like tomorrow but I usually break up the mowing into two days.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary, I hope you enjoy a lovely day together.
    Love the hydrangea, we have two, but never get to the bloom stage, since the deer love them too !
    What a pretty little dove....lets hope she shares her babies with us.
    Your grandson looks precious, and yes, the children seem to be so clued in theses days.

  2. Happy Anniversary to you both. I hope you have a lovely dinner. Such a fun photo of AJ enjoying the train ride. I enjoy your hydrangea photos. Very hot and humid here with no rain. Long drive to Atlanta tomorrow for J's dr. appt.

  3. Happy Anniversary! I hope you have a wonderful day out! That photo of AJ is really cute...I understand all about boys and trains:)
