Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Middle of the Week.........

A lone birdhouse sits with out any birds in it.  I guess I need to make a bigger hole for it so the wrens will like it better.  It was a house that a student made years ago and had thrown it into the dumpster. I retrieved it and it does well in looks.  I think I had to nail it together better than an eighth grader had done.

My sitting angel looks a little bit angry with me.  I forgot to bring it out last summer and while viewing another person's blog I remembered I had it. It is in its natural state right now with cob webs and all.  I see I had to glue it together once with the cracks showing in the photo. I will find the angel a nice place to sit and it will cheer it up a bit.  I remember a bench that it liked to sit on a few years back.

I went across the street and got some shots of the corn.  The neighbor put in a new storage shed so I don't see out that way any more. I made a deliberate effort to get over there before it got to be too big.  The corn was put in rather early and survived some close to frost temperatures.

Too much rain causes standing water and as you can see the one row of corn is stunted.  The farmer didn't disc in the stalks very well before he planted as most of the trash seems to be still on the ground. The ground is rented and one of my high school kids is sent to work that 13 acre plot.  I bet he decided that it only needed to be run over with the disc just once.  The dad may never ever visit the land as he hires someone to pick it at the end of the season.

I was trying to use my panorama setting on the camera and I got into a lot of trouble. I was confused and didn't understand how to use it.  I will have to read directions, right? The camera had to be reset to get rid of the panorama setting unlike all the other settings which let me just leave them to go to others.

In one day the rose fades to a nice pink color.  It is a strange thing that it does that but it is what it is.

This is what it looks like a day after it opens.  It will not last very long as a flower but there are three or more buds ready to take their turn in blooming.

I finally got started on the framing jobs that I need to do.  I left them lay for a long while before I got started.  Now I want to get on them and finish them and get them out of my house. We will buy trim boards today and some mat board.  I have an older frame that is weathered gray that I will repurpose on the stitchery to the right.  Once I get the momentum going, the framing will be quickly completed.  The very hot weather means I have to stay inside anyway so I just as well be working on framing. 

We have our air on earlier today as the whole evening was needed to get the house cooled down.  It really never did cool down but we did get the humidity down.  We are going to be in the 90's F. again today.  When we get the house down to high 70's in temperature we think we are cool.  I will weed another garden area this morning then retreat inside.  I hope all are well out there and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. That rose is still pretty even if it does fade in color. I think the one called "Centennial" did that too a dark bud then it faded to light pink and almost white. Stay cool...we are supposed to be in the 70's today...yesterday was 91 TOO HOT:(

  2. Beautiful photos, Larry, and it is sad that there are no birds in that lovely birdhouse.

  3. You are busy today, take care.
