Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thursday and Friday's Coming......

My wife's plants didn't take long to start blooming.  The dianthus was so glad to get out of those plant cells and be placed into real soil.  The over all look of the planter still looks a little stunted but all of the plants were half off and had been through their first bloom session that probably was in a green house.  In another couple of weeks all the plants will be better looking.

The weather was really hot the day I took this and the spiderwort just closed up its buds to protect them. I thought it odd to see as they have been blooming so well up to that time.

Proof of how well they were doing is shown in this photo. I believe I am correct in saying this is a wildflower and I don't think they have hybridized it.  I had a magenta colored one but it didn't survive.

I know some of you out there are saying why does the old man keep sharing the first bloom of tomatoes?  I  am sharing it to show you the normal color of tomato blooms. I have another variety that I want you see and compare the colors.

Here is a tomato with pink blooms on it.  I have never seen that in tomato plants before now. I have a newer seed called  "Endless Summer" that may be blooming pink.  I don't think it is the cherry tomato or beefsteak one.   I tried hard to keep the varieties divided but by the end I just put the plants in the ground and was glad to have them planted.

I have a former student, neighbor girl, who is now married with three kids living in Van Meter, Iowa.  She sells vegetables all summer.  To do that, she plants early in a green house.  Right now on her facebook blog she shows corn standing taller than her oldest young son and tomato plants with larger sized tomatoes on them  They are tennis ball size already.  She has a sheltered area where she plants as the trees protect them from wind.  She makes my plants look like shrimps and she planted 206 plants.  Her three boys help her all summer to keep things going as she sells and cans her produce.

This is another one of my hostas that is holding its own next to the field lily. The area is shaded by the silver maple tree so it grows slowly.  The field lilies have never bloomed because of the shade but they do make a great foliage filler. Some day the two old silver maples may have to go or the city will take them out than the growing conditions will all change.

My very first lily has started blooming. It is a lily with a story as a lot of my plants have.  We bought this lily in Grand Marais, Minnesota at a farmer's market there in town in a parking lot. I think the guy who was selling them planted them in pots in the fall and then brought them to the market to sell the next summer.  It was in bloom and the guy tried to sell me a large amount of them. I only bought one thinking they would multiply but this variety does not do that.  The year had  to be in 2002 which was the last year we ever visited the north shore. We love the area and someday we will go again. Family obligations back then stopped the vacation tradition and now other responsibilities has kept us grounded in Iowa for now.

I like  taking the photos of corn rows going around a bend.  It will be easier to get a better photo as the corn gets more sun and rain.  We are in a rainy season right now as we just finished off severe heat.

I bought framing wood yesterday and will be cutting three different frames today. I will be assembling them this afternoon and all three will need a finish put on them.  It is too humid to really be able to do that even though we have air conditioning.

Rainy days do seem to be gloomy days.  I will be staying inside because of the wet weather and also because of the mosquitoes.  I cleared another garden area of weeds for a short while yesterday and then just came inside with bites everywhere.  I do have some "Off" in the garden shed and will use it next time. Our town workers do spray the area and it does help.  I hope all are well and thank you for stopping by my post today.


  1. That is a very nice red lily, I am it to lily's this year.
    To put around the sump pump. I have never seen a pink bloom on a tomato. It is hot here and may get rain next few days.
    Have a good day!

  2. Hi Larry, I can almost smell your tomato plant thru the computer. Unique pink bloom you have shared. We get rain just about each afternoon/evening...I guess because of our proximity to the lake. I love that red lily. Years ago when we could tolerate riding in the car better, we would drive to the Atlanta Farmer's Market and buy lilies. We could get great deals on flowers. Fun to remember those days. You two take care and be sure to use the Off. Did you know that Ditto passed away on Monday?

  3. I truly love the look of the lilies until I was told they are highly toxic to cats, and now I want to dig them all up :(
    I so admire yours.
    The tomato and Spiderwort plant both look healthy, we have both of those blooming also right now...
    Hard to keep the deer at bay, they think everything that is planted is for their
    Sweet little angel, watching over your garden.

  4. Pink blossoms on a tomato? I never heard of such a thing -- be sure to show us the fruit.

  5. A pink bloom on a tomato that is a first for me and I am anxious to see the fruits. I mowed again today..and the skeeters are here. You are keeping busy! :)
