Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday Morning Begins........

I went outside of the fence to take photos of the hosta row that I planted last summer.  All the hostas are looking good and they are blooming.

Looking over to the left of the fence openings I see a guy who would like to be outside the fence too.  He loves to go exploring outside of the fence but it isn't safe for him.  He has escaped in the past through a gate that wasn't quite shut and he has been found out wandering around in the orchard or out by the street.  He looks up when you find him and he acts like what's your problem.  I am doing just fine.

The hosta row grew quickly with the great rains of spring. This particular host is nice but it will be too crowded by next spring.

Out at the corner the regale lily is doing well for its first time being planted in that area. As I walked Barney out on the sidewalk I could smell the fragrance from these two blooms. 

More art show photos to share today.  I had just seen an artist on PBS that showed an Asian women creating kimonas.  The designs were so similar to this as she had printed many symbolic birds in an overlapping repeat pattern.

At the fairgrounds the art work leaned towards more of craft items. There were a lot of garden metal sculptures and things to hang from trees in the garden. There were paintings also and lots of pottery.

Back at the downtown show I found ways to take a picture of the festival by viewing the reflection in this one building.  If you click on the photo you cans see what was behind me while taking the photo.  This show started at 11:00 and it became very hot in the sun.  It was nice it wasn't raining but it gets hotter in the city with all the concrete.

One last art festival shot for today.  This is always a fun thing to see.  As you can see that the clouds in the sky on this sunny day. If you visit my Photo a Day blog you can see the Principal building.  Then you can return here and spot the Principal building in this photo.

Lots of projects to work on today.  We will juice the cherries today and start plans for making jelly.  I have framing jobs that need glass so we have to go to Ace Hardware for that. More weeds to pull and volunteer trees to cut.  It is a never ending process.  I hope all are well and that tis will be a good Monday for you.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We were sitting out back yesterday and our next door little dog came over for a visit. They were out trying to fine how he got out of the fenced yard. Great art show thanks for sharing.

  2. Little Button is so sweet. I would love to smell those fragrant lilies.
    I was able to pick out the principle building. Fun to see the buildings and the art fair. The sun would have been hot, but rain at those events is terrible.

    John has been working on a Univ. of Michigan puzzle for the last few days...a thrift store find. I've spent these hot, sunny days reading.

    Sounds like you two had a busy day juicing the cherries and preparing the frame jobs. Hope you both rest well.

  3. That looks like a fun art show! I bet it was hot, it is always cooler in the country than in town. Button is all fenced in:)
