Sunday, June 28, 2015


My field of bee balm has its first bloom opened up yesterday. The planting has taken over the entire corner area of that fenced area. It is so thick and tall that I have to raise my arms to go through my path along the bed.

The heavy rains have made the plants very happy and healthy.  I don't have to weed out the area as it takes over the entire place.  I did get my stray volunteer tree out of there but otherwise it is a full blanket of plants. I did have to tromp down some of it to maintain the path over to the fish tank.

People in Texas call ponds in the ground, water tanks.  My pond is actually a livestock tank that is buried partially into the ground.  So I really have a hard time giving it a name.  My fish tank is not an aquarium glass tank but a very large plastic watering trough.  I could get sheep and goats in the back yard and I would have a way to water them. 

The container is about two and a half feet deep so it give the fish good water quality.  I don't have a pump in place yet but I am working on it.

We attended two different art shows on Saturday.  One was held downtown Des Moines and the other was at the State Fair grounds inside one of their large buildings.  Both shows were great to see and I will be sharing samples of what we did see. This was at the downtown site and some of the work reminded me of things we painted while visiting Lake Superior and the Atlantic Ocean.

The show at the fairgrounds had a few more crafts in it along with lots of jewelry and pottery.  When you get tired walking you can sit down and watch the others circling around the many displays.

Returning for the day I found new things that were starting to bloom.  The phlox is budding and this particular area is starting to bloom. I have many lilies that have large buds and I am waiting to see which one will be first to show its colors.

We had a hard time getting out of our drive yesterday. The road crew was working on a Saturday as the had been rained out a couple weekdays from working. Before we were to leave, machinery came in and removed all of this dirt.  Then they preceded to make a v shaped trough along the old road.  The car could not cross that ditch.  I did finally get out but it is a long story how I accomplished it.

 When we returned, the workers had filled in all the troughs will asphalt and had flattened it.  I guess our road was too narrow so they added a foot and a half of asphalt on both sides.  When they put the new two coats of asphalt the road it will be much wider.  We will have to park our car across the street when they again start work as we can not get out of here or we will be just stuck at home.

We had rain again last night but it is clearing now.  We will never dry out until it gets too hot to be outside.  of course then we will wish it would rain.  Thank you for stopping by today. 


  1. Good Afternoon, Oh how I love bee balm. As I remember the hummingbirds do too!
    Does your phlox have a sweet fragrance?
    I laughed about that you have a way to water sheep and goats in your back yard - Barney and Button would not like that!!!
    Happy you two got to attend the shows. Looks like a lot of fun and I look forward to you sharing more photos.
    Have a restful afternoon.

  2. You have had a lot going on, love the bee balm.
    Know you will be glad to see the road work end.

  3. I love your shots of Bee Balm. Here the wild blue version (Bergamot) are just opening too on the prairies...

  4. Your Bee Balm is stunning! I used to have some and they died from the center outwards....hope yours keep growing! Looks like you are in for more street work. I saw you live on a lake in one of your previous posts! :)

  5. Larry,
    A stunningly beautiful picture of the bee balm! Sorry to hear the road crews are causing you guys an inconvenience, hope it will all be over soon. – G

  6. You just keep on with the rain. The bee balm looks good.

  7. I had a massive patch of bee balm, but last year I noticed it getting smaller, and this year there are only two stems up. Finally the buttercups seemed to have overtaken it. I had better take a bit of remedial action before I lose it totally.
