Sunday, June 7, 2015

Sunshine on Sunday........

We are very green as our spring weather has been so great. We had wind in the night with rain.  The weather reporter says we had only a half inch of rain but there is more than that in my buckets outside. It wasn't a severe storm even though the thunder was loud.  We are quiet this morning with sunshine and 70 degrees F.

The last of my white peony blooms looks a little rugged but it still has its good looks.

My neighbor received some strawberry plants from friend who was removing out of bounds plants.  I took only seven of them and they are now planted.  If I can get them to run this summer and start new plants maybe I can have strawberries next summer.  I know that they get weedy easily so I will have to get them mulched well. Last night's rain should help them along.

The discounted dianthus plants are in fresh soil.  A few were blooming while the majority of the plants had finished their first blooms.  I know that they will regroup and put out new blooms again. The planter pot is plastic and it is getting to be fragile.  The plastic actually has become fragile and cracks easily in its old age.  I have the planter placed on the steps and it won't be moved all summer.  I hope it doesn't collapse just sitting there but it will be tossed after the summer season for sure. The neighbors plant dianthus in the ground and their plants survive the winter each year.  When it gets closer to fall I think I will move them all into an area in the ground.

I thank you for stopping by today.  I hope all are well. 


  1. It's been a good spring for your flowers this year.
    The apples are sure growing.

  2. Good Sunday Afternoon. I love your blue gate and the green is so lush. We had light rain during the night, also. Best wishes with the strawberry plants; the rain overnight should give them a great start. I love the Dianthus.
    Have a very nice afternoon.
