Saturday, June 6, 2015

Saturday Stuff.....

I have three apple trees, each one is a different variety. They were all bought with the description that they were good pie apples.  I had not looked at the two trees that stand away from the garden shed until now.  I see they are doing well with lots of apples. I was given info that I need to spray for insects on the apples every two weeks.  I don't have big enough equipment for that but I can spray around at the bottom branches.  Insects are the enemy of the apples burrowing into them and leaving eggs.

This variety does look differently than the one above it. It is an older tree and I have good apples from it, just not the last three years.

"William Baffin" continues to show off for me.  I see I have some insect problems on the leaves but this rose is a tough one.  It survives the toughest of Iowa winters and drought.

My geranium starts are outside now.  I put them under the porch roof when thunder storms are predicted.  I cut all of these off of my old plants.  They are looking pretty rugged from being kept through for three years now.  I may insert the new starts with some fresh soil in and around the old ones.

This older kind of iris is on its last days.  I like how the old fashioned iris bloom for long periods of time.  I have garden work to do everyday until the snow flies but for today I am planting chives in a couple of locations.  I also bought some dianthus that were half off.  They look rugged but once planted they will grow in a big container being happy to be out of those tiny plant cells.  

I hope all are well and the day is good for you.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You have made me hungry for apple pie! I love your rose bush. We were at WalMart earlier this a.m. to pick up supplies and bought a Million Bells plant for 1/2 off.

  2. You apples look good for June! Be careful with the Chives...I planted them once and they re seed all over...the other day when I mowed I mowed some...I could smell them in the air. We have heavy rain today and it is chilly:)
