Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thursday's Things.......

The mystery iris turned out to be another one of my older iris.  I didn't know what it was but I had moved some of it to another flower bed.  I like my old iris and I take parts of them and move them elsewhere so I won't loose the plant.  This actually sits in a bed that is ten feet away from the other bed in which it also grows.

I really don't know when the best time is to move iris rhizomes but I bet early fall is better.  I did move things around in the middle of summer last year and all seemed to be alive. I need to get out there and pull the grass that likes to grow around the iris plants.  I only have one good hand anymore that I can use to pull weeds so it is all slower.  Arthritis in my left hand has become a big bother now and I have to think before I do things anymore.  Opening pickle jars seems to be a bad thing with my left hand now. I use to be able to loosen any jar, either hand.

My mind is going too, memory wise, as I was planning on digging some white peony starts from my neighbor.  I guess I must have done that a couple of summers ago as here is what is blooming in my backyard.  I don't have a specific memory of digging any but I did obviously as I have never hand white peonies in my yard ever. It is a young smaller plant but it is healthy and will grow bigger by next year.  I am going to trim back the viburnum that sits next to it so it can have more space in which to grow. 

Three plants in a row that seem to showing off for me.  The flowers on them are really nice.  The peony plants from the farm are exactly the same as the ones I have from my grandmothers peonies. It is planted in a nice location next to the shed and the apple tree.  My tomato garden sits north of this row which helps protect them from wind from the south.

I had two last tomato plants to get into the ground but instead I put them in a planter to sit on the patio.  They sure have responded to being outside in the sun and the rain. The other plants in the garden are growing bigger also. We haven't had a lot of hot weather for them but this next week proves to be great weather for growing corn and tomatoes.  It is suppose to be hot all week.

We really have never had a batch of squirrels being born that we have ever noticed before in the summer.  Our two litters, or one litter of five squirrels are so cute and also are a little bit scary. They have no fear of anybody and will  run right up to a person.  Barney can give them a run for their money but I don't like how they size up Button.  I do think they are dumb and I have heard very nearsighted.  I would think that eventually there will be territorial wars and some of them will move on to better pastures.

Every single geranium that I had inside has been moved outside.  I did take cuttings from the big plants and may replace some of the older plants with new ones. We will be home today all day so I will get some yard work done.  It will get to be too hot and humid to be out there but right now it is tolerable.  Sunflower seed gets put into the ground today and I may put in another zinnia flower bed today.  I have old seed and I am watching to see if any of it will grow.  I remember zinnia's take lots of time to germinate.  I will mow a patch of grass today first and them move on to the rest of it.  I hope everyone is well and the weather is being good to you.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Oh, your flowers are beautiful !!
    Great pictures !

  2. That white peony is really something. Join the group with your mind happens with age:)
