Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday's Here.......

I have done nothing to make the red peonies bloom like this.  They just have had adequate water and the timing in the season for them to grow is great for them to be really large.  I had forgotten about the yellow parts that are layered in under every single rows of petals.

We will be not having rain for a while again. The forecast yesterday that was to be bad storms ended up going south to Kansas City area.  We didn't have any storms but a lot of humidity. It was cooler humidity in the night.  We are going to start a warming trend which will bring us storms for sure.

I have lush green gardens but the water grass and creeping charlie is doing very well. I weeded for about an hour yesterday until it was too warm to be outside.  I will try to weed everyday until things look a little better.  In this scene you can see the hostas doing well but if I would get into the patch behind the  bench I can reduce that by half by removing water grass.  Whatever is the true name of the water grass like plant,  I like that I can pull it or even just take the stems off and it will not return.  It sends out tall shoots in the spring for seeding and its cycle doesn't continue.

When we adopted Barney the border collie, I was hoping he would become my garden dog.  I envisioned a collie who likes to stroll around where I am working.  Barney is not that kind of dog.  On the other hand, Button, loves to follow me around and as I worked yesterday he was eating on the tall grasses.  I am not done weeding on this part of the garden but I did get a lot of it pulled out. My hostas are doing so well that I will have to move some things as they are crowding out other plants that won't hold their territory.  The striped iris is so crowded that I will have to search for it among a hosta to get it taken out of there and planted in a better spot.

The geraniums are outside and the fish are out in the tank in the ground.  I haven't cleaned the window sill nor the window either but I can do it soon.  The birds are ready to be put into the window so they can watch what is happening outside.  My female cockatiel keeps laying eggs.  I hate it that I can't let her nest but we just don't need any more cockatiels. They will make lots of pleasant sounds including warning sounds as they sit in the window.  They do like other birds do and put out different various sounds as dusk arrives.

I will finish off with a little more color today.  The barberry puts out a lot of different colors in spring with their leaves.  Eventually they do turn a different green in the middle of the summer. I think they are yellow green in the fall.

No plans again today but we could be spontaneous and travel some where.  I seem to be moving slow this summer so my tasks are going slow too.  I do know when it gets really hot outside I will be wishing that I would have a lot of the work done in the gardens.  Everyone take care today and thanks for stopping by at my post.


  1. I had some of those exact same peonies a few years ago. They bloomed 2 seasons, then declined and died. I loved them because of the color and that they were open/airy petals that the rain fell right through, instead of weighing them down. Love your pics.

  2. Your peonies are beautiful! Take it easy gardening, one weed at a time:)

  3. Your peonies are so pretty. I know the birds will love their spot by the window. So cute that Button likes to follow you around in the garden. I hope you both will have a nice weekend.
