Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Too Cold Tuesday......

Digging peonies that I had never seen in bloom from the farm to our home was a good thing.  Not know what color that they were was not a good thing.  Now I can quit whining and just take lots of photos.  They are the red peonies from my wife's grandparents place and they are exactly the same color as the ones from my grandmothers place that I retrieved back in the 70's.

The flag iris made a liar out of me as I didn't think that any of them were going to bloom.  Out of three plantings the one did just now bloom.  The two that did not bloom will get moved over the summer when the garden work slows down. The plants should become a thick planting by multiplying if I can find the perfect spot to grow it.

In this photo the future blooms are not in focus but doesn't the wooden weathered fence look great. It is a new iris and I will await it's opening to see what the color will be.  It will be bluish but the rest I don't remember. Two out of the four new iris did bloom this year. I have some lilies planted in this same area and I do think they will be blooming within the week.

The lighter kind of red peony is putting out great blooms.  I need to get out now and take all the photos that I can as rain is in the forecast for the next four days.  That should end all of the blooms for me.


This older iris is one that I moved last summer and it will do well where I have planted it.  I was watching a pro photographer on an Iowa PBS show this morning. He had a thin white cloth that he hung over his flowers to distort and defuse the light.  It would make these flowers be less highlighted in the sun when I take the photo. The man showing his techniques was a  professor from Drake University and he was putting up whole tents of cloth over an area to get his prairie flowers to be perfect for photos.  He did take a lot of great photos but one could not be very spontaneous, like me, to take shots.

I ventured over to the neighbor's to take shots of some of her surviving iris.  She informed me that I was going to help her move her iris bed to a backyard location.  She wanted her round circle bed gone from the front yard. I am sure she will let me have some starts of this whenever that move takes place. I got the white iris from her a few years back in which I have shared many shots of the blooms.

The dove continues to sit on her eggs.  I see one out feeding at the patio and I wonder if it is she.  I would think that the  hatching would take place soon.  If I had a phone camera and if I had a selfie stick I would be able to take a photo of the eggs or babies. I don't have either one.  It is too high in the tree for me to take any photos. Maybe I will be able to see baby bird heads eventually.  Rain and cold weather isn't that great for her up there.

I have too many spring shots to share but I am trying to load on as many as I can.  Having two different blogs that share photos I can get a lot of them on the net.  We spent a lot of time yesterday taking my wife's friend for medical tests.  The friend starts her first round of chemo on Wednesday and she tried to buy up things she might need during that after days when she won't be able to leave her apartment.  It is going to be a hard few days and she won't be interested in any food during that time.  We can check in on her and get things for her if she does need anything. We are getting things done today.  I, who was not suppose to be framing pictures any more for others, have about seven frame jobs to do.  I don't rush on them anymore and they will be done as I find time to do them.  I need to do a tad mowing for the dogs backyard and have a few seeds to get into the ground.

I am hoping that the weather is straightening out for a lot of my blog friends.  I hope everyone is safe.  Thanks for stopping in today.


  1. Saying a prayer for your neighbor who is facing the chemo. Thank you both for helping her during a difficult and frightening time.
    This orange iris is just gorgeous!
    I enjoy your colorful peonies and irises.
    John dug a clump of orange butterfly weed from a lot the builder was going to clear. It is in full bloom but the move did make it wilt. Nice "bulbs" on it, so I feel sure it will return year after year.
    I hope you both are feeling well and have a good evening.

  2. Oh my I feel sorry for anyone living alone and going through chemo...she is lucky to have you to help her out.
    Your photos are lovely...the Peony and Iris are just stunning:)

  3. So sorry to read about your neighbor, life sure is hard sometimes, and kind-hearted people like you are a God-send.
    Gorgeous Iris and Peonies, love the purple against the old weathered fence.

  4. My wife's friend is Shari and she lives in a retirement apartment in Des Moines. Her apartment is about 2 miles from the hospital so once we get to here place it is easy to get her to the hospital.
