Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday, Monday......

One of the young squirrels finding food to eat.  The five have scattered out and I can see them all up and down the neighborhood.

The cardinals tend to hit the feeder in the afternoon.  The sparrow on the side is taking off and I guess I could have cropped him out.  I didn't want to take off the tip of the guys tail.

I keep saying that I have never seen the hostas look so good.  The rains have encouraged them early in the spring to grow with great gusto.  This one got so large that I had to move a different variety of hosta away from this one .

Picasa decided to antique this photo of my rose.  I know that it is the computer at the company the randomly decides what should be getting a special treatment. I did get a start of this rose to grow elsewhere and it did root in and turned green early spring.  Then it just took and turn and died.  I don't understand it but I will try again when I get those tires that are sitting under the tarp out of my yard.

We are off to Des Moines today to take my wife's friend for medical tests.  They do a lot of different test before a person starts chemo therapy.  In the old days they would put them in the hospital for a couple of days and get all the tests done.  Instead we come and go until everything is done and Wednesday she will start chemotherapy.  We are glad that we are free to help her to get to all the appointments. 

It is Monday and I am now getting use to not going to school.  It is a good thing to be having a summer of my own.  I hope things are drying out for people and that everyone is starting to warm up again. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Bless you and your wife for helping her friend get to her testing appts. I know it means the world to her as she faces this difficult time.
    I enjoy your bird, squirrel and flower photos. Our hostas are doing well also. In fact, I could probably split them by next year.
    Have safe travel today.
