Saturday, June 13, 2015

Weekend Day 1.........

A mild blur is better than total blur in a photo.  The insect is an extra today on the spiderwort blooms. 

I found a key a few days ago that was laying in the soil.  I was planting zinnias and this worked up as I was preparing the ground.  It reminds me of a key for winding up a clock but the rust keeps me from seeing any writing on it.  If I can find the metal cleaner that I use on brass bells maybe I can get it to clean up better.

I shared a similar photo on my Photo a Day blog.  It has bloomed out all three buds in the past few days.  It has been raining so much that I haven't been out to shoot photos since the very first bloom opened.  I am sure the bottom blooms will start to drop petals in the next couple of days. I have other lilies that are about to bloom in other parts of the garden.

A couple of my things that I am framing are these two cross stitched pieces.  They are really amazing items.  I don't know if the items were printed on the material or what but it would have been very difficult to sew.  It was difficult to mat as the designs were done right to the edge of the material.  That made the stretching of the pieces impossible as there was no extra material on the edge to allow it.  I did figure out to flatten some of it out and attach it but it would have been better to stretch them.

During continuous rains the past few days these two other buds opened up to show their blooms.  Between the rain and thousands of mosquitoes I don't get outside very much. 

It is Saturday and we have a few errands to run this morning.  We are told that it will be sprinkling in Des Moines when we get there.  It will still be good to get out.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Glad you two can get out and I hope the rain won't make travel difficult. I enjoyed your pretty blooms today. When I was MUCH younger, I did counted cross stitch, which is what these pieces look like. You follow a pattern in a book and actually count those tiny little squares to get the thread where it should be. How unfortunate that the stitcher did not know to work on a larger piece of cloth to make the framing easier. You did a great job.

  2. Yes what Mildred said, the pattern is on paper and you stitch it on the fabric by counting! It is a very pretty piece! Sounds like you have enough rain for awhile! :)

  3. Your key kind of reminds me of the keys I used to adjust my roller skates back in the day !
