Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday's Few Shots......

The two goldfish had been in a small aquarium all winter. They are really enjoying the large tank and seem to be not too frightened of me with the camera.  I think it helps to have all the field lilies foliage hanging over the edge of the tank.  When I snapped this photo I was concentrating on the redder fish and didn't realize the white fish was in the view.  I think the white fish is gaining colors now that it is getting natural food, mosquitoes.

Here is another shot of the evasive bluebell.  I have one other garden location that I have not planted yet and I will be pulling this plant up by its roots to remove it.

I remember when i first bought the property that I spent an afternoon trying to dig and remove all of this plant.  I placed two spreading junipers in the area and for about 20 years they kept it deterred. Thirty plus years later it did come back once I removed the oversized junipers and it is very healthy.  I am sure weed killer would take it out but I don't like using those kind of things.

I did some research of this tomato with pink blooms.  I found that it is the variety Endless Summer.  One site wanted to say it was a genetic engineered tomato created to do what commercial tomatoes do.  They are to be a longer lasting tomato once it has been picked. I bet they pick them green and by the time they arrive they turn to red.

Another site wanted to downplay the genetic engineering in the plant but just call it hybridization.  In many ways hybridization is the experimenting with cross breeding of varieties of plants to get the offspring that you want.  Whether this is genetically created in a test tube or if it was cross bred, I do believe that it will be good to see how the tomatoes taste. This all started by an innocent purchase of a package of seeds with nice pictures on the front of it. Bought it at Walmart.

It seems to me that today will not be such a great day with clouds being overhead all day.  The projected temperature isn't too cold but it is going to take it all day to get to 71 degrees today.

I am still in the middle of doing framing with the finishing, stain and varnish, of three frames and the assembling, once dry, of four things.  I have a metal frame on back order to place on a wedding collage and I have one repair job to do on a previously framed map that fell to the floor. The picky detail that I have to do for getting these jobs done is time consuming.  I do think people who have me frame things think that it is such a simple process.  Just getting the glass cleaned on both sides and placed into the frame is tedious as the whole world is full of lint that wants to land on glass.  It sometimes requires me to reclean the glass many times to get it looking pristine clear.

We have to make a run for groceries and pills for Button.  We will wait until this afternoon hoping that it looks less soggy and gray out there.  Thank you for stopping by today.  If the sun shines I will take more photos.


  1. My Granddaughter has a degree in Cell Biology and that is what she has been doing. Genetically engineering Plants. My hold being screams no to doing that to our food.

  2. Raining and cloudy and pretty cool all day here.

  3. Nice place for the fish. I'm still lacking fish in my water container. Those blue bells are tough!

  4. Good Morning, I hope Button is doing ok this morning. I enjoyed the pretty photo of the fish. Interesting what you read about the pink blooming tomato. I once worked with a man who framed pictures and I know how much work goes into the job. We are having showers every day, which is great for the sod repair job John did last week. You two have a good weekend. Take care.
