Tuesday, July 21, 2015

A Good Day.......

We will have a sunny day but with cooler temperatures.  The flowers seem to be abundant with buds so I keep seeing new blooms each day.

While out with the camera and I turned to see this.  The plant has put on another full batch of blooms as if it were its first time blooming. It is its best year with so many blooms showing since I bought it a few years back.  I mention the two years of drought way too often but those were the years when maybe only one stalk of flowers showed and some didn't even send up stems. I guess that bad two years keep me amazed as to how the normal is so great to be experience.

I doubt that I ever get a picture of the fish in focus.  Even so the bright colors of them show up easily in every shot. I am assuming that if I had a dull day with very little reflection that my camera would pick them up in focus.  I did count five small goldfish that have survived and the two large fish are still doing well. The rains have filled the tank all the way to the top now.  I didn't add any water all summer saving on the water bill.

The mosquitoes bounce back after a couple of days from the town spraying for them.  The fish are enjoying the mosquito larvae again as the number of them is so great again.  My water barrel was showing yesterday that they were reproducing again.  I just put the lid on it so no more can lay eggs and none can fly away.

This is the two colored hardy geranium that was given to me by the neighbor last fall. It isn't my favorite but it is a new and unusual one.

This is a variegated one also that I really like because of the leaves. I have only one pot of it and I don't think I have a successful cut from it growing in any other pot.

 I don't go out of my way to collect these things.  I just happen to get this one a couple of years on a fall sale. I haven't looked at any geraniums this year in the nurseries but I doubt they are not any new ones at this point.

I will head out to mow now this morning.  My mind and body is against such a task but my mind will win over the argument.  It is a nice cool morning and the grass should be dry by now from yesterday's rain. My body will fall into line once I get it up and moving.  The grass is a lot less thick now so it is easier to push through.  I have a few sticks that have fallen from winds yesterday. I won't collect grass today as I have the wheel barrow full of water from runoff of the garden shed.  I will pour that off onto the garden during the next few days and I can collect grass the next time.  I have mosquito repellant now so I can plow through the grass and the bugs.

I have a couple of cute shots fo my grandson to share but it does take time to process them from the mail. Maybe tomorrow will be AJ day. It is Tuesday and things seem quiet in town. Thanks for coming by today.  

1 comment:

  1. I sure am enjoying all your blooms this summer. We did not receive rain yesterday, so I may have to water late this afternoon. I do wish I could grow geraniums; all of yours are pretty.
    I look forward to seeing AJ. Ella and her family are on vacation currently.
    Don't they grow up fast??!!!
