Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Middle of the Week.....

I hadn't been around the corner of the shed for a few days and this is what I found. The William Baffin is a climber and the plant had put out a tall stalk with these blooms opened. I am storing some old tires for my brother in law right next to it so I can't get to it to maintain the rose.  Hopefully we figure out how to get the tires cut off the rims and I can get those tires off my property soon.

The phlox are all at different stages so I will have lots of photos for a long time. I am going to have to cut back phlox this fall.

I picked up a tree at a cheap place and now you see what I have.  It lived for quite a while and then it died. It is from the poplar tree family and I should have known better than to buy it.  For now I will not be able to hire anyone to remove it so it will have to come down naturally.  From memories of a row of poplars that I once had, the  branches will naturally break down in time and fall to the ground. It is a good tree for paper factories to use in their product but as a long lasting tree, it is bad.

The tomato plant on the patio is finally making tomatoes.  It is amazing as to how fast they just appear.  I am out there every day with to dogs and over night I have a large tomato. I have to get this staked up as the weight will make it fall. I noticed this morning that the volunteer sunflower is leaning. I happen to have a stray steel post to put next to that. I will have to find a wood stake for the tomato.

AJ called last night and talked to us about the new foods that he likes.  He was eating at home having sweet corn on the cob and watermelon.  He likes them both but his new favorite is strawberries.  How a little guy can get an extra syllable in the word strawberries I don't know but he can.  I think he adds bebe in the middle of the word.

AJ loves to eat.  He has been taught at daycare and at home that meal times mean to be quiet and just eat.  We saw him a couple of weekends ago and he had a small bottle of milk at a Burger King.  He would just sit and broad smile at the bottle of milk with appreciation.  It may have been that it was a cute little bottle but he loved it and kept smiling all the time he was drinking from it. Of course french fries are a hit with chicken nuggets.

I have to look back to be sure I am not repeating geranium shots. This one is more orange that what the photo shows.

White ones are some of my favorites but the automatic camera really doesn't like to photograph them.

I am waiting to see one more plant to bloom to see what color of red that it is.  I had a rich red geranium and the cheaper red looking plant.  I am thinking this is the deep red one but I can't be sure.

I am typing today with two fingers taped together and I am beyond irritated.  I just push on without throwing the keyboard across the room.  I wouldn't do that but it does make me fell very frustrated.  i mowed yesterday and trimmed some trees and the one finger wants to get stuck in one position and won't loosen up.  It will get better the farther away that I get from my yard work.  I did get the last of my free growing trees trimmed down.  I put some shrub killer on them hoping I don't have to trim them ever again. I will drag the mess into on big pile today and do some other odd jobs.

I wish you well today and hope the temperatures get better for everyone.  Iowa is getting the second day of cool weather today.  We have been needing a few days of relief and then it will get hot again. Thank you for stopping in today.


  1. Great photo of AJ. I am thrilled that he loves to eat and try new things.
    Sorry about the tree dying. We had to have one tree removed last year and HOPEFULLY we are now through with that expense.
    Love seeing the roses, geraniums and phlox.
    Karen reports that it is cooler in IN today, also.
    We are still very hot but we do receive a shower most every afternoon late.
    I do hope your fingers/hand will feel better soon.
    Take care.

  2. It is good for kids to try new foods, good thing AJ is not a picky eater! He looks quite happy with his watermelon!
    That orangeish Geranium bloom is beautiful!
    Hang in there with your finger...maybe you need to see a Dr:)
