Friday, July 17, 2015

Friday's Finish....

The daylilies have loved all the rain.  This stray lily sits on the edge of a wild rose bed and a ditch lily bed.  I put it there on a spur of a moment a few years back.  It hasn't bloomed much but now it is doing well.  I like this one but I have a similar one that is also a favorite.

This one is so similar but the color is stronger.  The line down the petal leaf is also whiter and more pronounced.  The very red lily next to this tends to make this one seem a little washed out.

The job is done and the car is floating on air. The whole process of going to any garage is one of triple the amount that you plan to spend and then they will give back your car. The tires were very old and probably had been used way beyond their intended use.  If it were a second car the tires would have still have been fine.  The reflection of all the green next to the car makes this metallic green paint seem a lot greener than it is.

Our visiting cat has made itself at home on our porch.  Here he is getting a quick drink from my water pan.  He follows me around in the garden and when bored he returns to the porch to rest.  The cat goes inside at the neighbors house, his home, so he wants to come into our house too.  Barney wouldn't hurt him but he doesn't like to share the house with any cat.

I am waiting for the red hardy geraniums to come into full bloom.  All of the other colors seem to be out but the red ones are slow to open their buds. The did get their dose of fertilizer some time this week and the rains have been good for them.  I do have a lot of flowers now down because of the excess rain. 

I had one lone red admiral butterfly in the garden yesterday afternoon.  It played hard to photograph for a while and then it started posing for me. The mosquitoes are back and it was difficult to take pictures.  I stayed because it really was the first time that I was able to get any butterfly to hold still. I have seen a monarch out there and an all white smaller butterfly.  I did see a swallow last week but I never saw it again.

The end of the day turned very humid and that was harder to deal with than the heat.  We didn't cool down last night so we are headed to 94 degrees F.   We will have air on all day to stay ahead of it.  It is difficult to adjust to such a change from one day to the next. 

Everyone is weary today as it has seemed to be a long week.  There are things to do of course and we will schedule it all out for the day.   Thank you for stopping in today.

1 comment:

  1. I just love the pic of the kitty! He sure feels at home when in your yard/porch! Very pretty color of daylily, too.
    I bought one of those mini yard flags to hang at our mailbox and it has a pot of red geraniums printed on it. I always think of you and your wife's geraniums when I see the flag.
    We have learned to expect things to cost at least double what we anticipate. Cars, appliances, hvac, etc.
    The woodworking guy is here today and will probably finish up. Hope to share photos on my blog. It's been nice to have a young Christian man here to chat with. He has just returned from W VA mission trip and is leaving for a month in Honduras for missions in Sept.
    We are more tired than usual this week. We've been getting up bright and early to let the cabinet guy start before the heat gets so bad. No plans for the weekend. Wishing you two a very good afternoon.
