Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thursday's Pickings.......

My new red coneflower likes its new location.  It is getting a lot of rain and sunshine.  It doesn't look so red here with bright sunshine making the  petals seem more transparent.

Ditch work has been done the second time and I think they are done with that. It looks better but within a year it will look differently. Iowa soil is a loose soil and the rain will make this shape relax back into a flat area.  The soil on the edges just shift down when it get wet with a  lot of rain.

I was fortunate to have trees between the ditch and the sidewalk.  If you didn't have trees they took the ditch all the way to the sidewalk.  In an area down the way they will have to bring in dirt as the soil under the sidewalk will wash away. I just might be able to mow this design once the dirt has all settled.  Our rains have really messed with the work getting done or the excessive heat on Monday kept everybody off the asphalt.

The corn is very tall this year.  I am guessing it is at least 7 feet tall.  The corn is doing well and doesn't have to struggle for moisture. The last time I was out there to take a photo is was about a foot tall.

Most corn is tasseling right now as you can see the silks on the newly formed ears. I noticed last year that the corn variety that they planted had only one ear of corn.  This year the variety all has two ears on it. I would be interested in seeing how the yield did last year to the crop with two ears.  One big strong ear may do better than two smaller ones.

It has been two very busy days.  We dropped Shari off for chemo early morning and we stay to get her settled in then we come home.  She is there for a long time but yesterday she had a reaction to the chemicals.  She called us worried so we went back down early to be with her.  She was ok when we got there but we sat with her while she finished off the last hour or so of the therapy. They give her a dose of  antihistamine to stop the reactions that she was having. The reactions are real and also panic attacks seem to come with it. We left the hospital by 5:00.  We stopped to get a tire fixed also yesterday mid morning and Firestone is packed to the rafters with more customers than chairs in the lounge area.

We returned this morning to have a tire fixed that had picked up a nail.  When they dug up a section of our driveway I am sure they brought one to the surface. The tire was too worn for them to repair, so they said, and we ended up buying four new tires.  When your grooves on your tires are not deep enough the tire is considered worn out. They probably were but I always feel that I am at their mercy to tell me the truth. I did have the tires for so long that I didn't remember when or where they had been purchased.  My wife did remember and she remembered what was happening to us at the time in our lives. The old ones were good looking tires from the side but the new ones I have now are not so nice to look at. I probably won't live long enough to have driven on them for 70,000 miles or the car itself may not make it that long either.

I have new photos on the camera but they will have to wait another day.  I am already in the afternoon of Thursday and I need to get posted. I am glad that those who needed rain, did get some of it.  WE actually were on the national weather today as they were talking about the large amount of rain in Iowa. They called out names of Davenport and Ottumwa, Iowa.  Omaha was mentioned too, along with Des Moines.   Thank you for checking in late with me today.  Everyone take care.


  1. Glad your red cone flower is happy! All of your flowers are beautiful. Bless you and your wife for sharing your time and compassion with Shari at this difficult time in her life. I've seen a lot of corn growing around here too, but we have not had the amount of rain IA has.

  2. Your friend is lucky to have you two looking out for her. From what I understand reactions to chemo are normal, and benadryl is the plan of attack and then an epi pen. Your flowers are lovely, I especially like that yellow lily:)
