Friday, July 10, 2015

Friday's Photos......

The creeping bluebells look like lavender but they have no smell. I tried to use them as cut flowers for a bouquet for my brother and wife's party and they can be put in water as a cut flower. My wife and I made a bouquet of hydrangea, creeping blue bells and a few phlox.  The arrangement was removed from our vase when we got to the party as my sister in law got a beautiful glass vase with 50th anniversary printed on it. Her niece transferred it to make it the major flowers on the table.

Another shot of the bee balm as it has become a blanket of red.  I don't want to cut it back but I think I will have to remove a foot of it away from my path once it stops blooming.

This is a side view of the new lily that I have in the garden.  Again it has the smell of a stargazer but it certainly doesn't look like the stargazers of old.

The longer I live the more dazed and confused I have become for sure. I have shared this rose last year and it keeps surviving the winter.  It was labeled a Tea Rose which I noticed after I brought it home.  It's color I though was red.  I am wondering now if this rose is the stock root of the original  T.  Whatever it is I have a very nice bloom.  I see this morning that it is in full bloom and I will head out for a shot soon.

I hear this morning that I need to stop taking advil for my arthritic fingers.  I guess I will just take heavier doses of asprin.  As I type this I am with two fingers taped together.  The good finger does the work for the bad finger so the bad finger doesn't feel like I am ripping out all my sockets or joints. It works ok but I do realize that it is driving me crazy.

The workmen will be back tday to do the street that runs north and south of our property.  It will be a smelly two days and noisy too.  For some reason they didn't get the sidewalk work done before hand so they will be bringing in concrete trucks on the new road to finish up that work. It also means that the backhoe machines will also be working on top of the new road surface while they finish up the mess in the ditches.

I will finish with a nice shot of my son and his little boy. AJ loves to be outside and he is always looking around absorbing all that he sees. I am sure a truck was passing by when he looked over his dad's shoulder.

I am not as grumpy today but sometimes I reach a limit in what is going on in the world. When the president has decided to let one fourth of another country to be in our country, the press protects him by not talking about it. Getting a free pass on everything that I have done wrong would be a great way to live.

I finished framing two things yesterday and have four  things to go. 

The noise from the crew has started now.  Everyone take care on this Friday and thanks for stopping by for a visit.


  1. Sweet photo of AJ and his dad. I enjoyed your pretty flower pics this a.m. Our Mexican Petunias get very tall like your bee balm. It is the hardest thing in the world for me to have to cut them in half!!! I know I need to or they will be up to the roof!
    I dread the work crew being there with the noise/smell and inconsideration today.

    p.s. didn't realize you had arthritis in your fingers. I have it in both thumbs. I've never been able to tolerate advil etc. and I'm allergic to aspirin. They gave me a cortisone injection once but it did not give me any relief.

  2. What is this all about now? We were told by our doctor to stop taking
    advil and ibuprofen. We can take Tylenol extra Strength but only 4 in 24 hour a day.
    I know you will be happy when they get away from your street, it looks like we are living in a do everything backwards world these days.
    Love the pretty rose and all that bee balm.

  3. Larry,
    How wonderful your “gift from the garden” became the celebrations center piece. I applaud your patients with the road construction I would be a raving mad man by now. And as you pointed out it seems they are doing everything backwards, but then again what do I know {lol}. Please do be careful with the aspirin, it too can do a number on your stomach and you may not realize its happening. – G

  4. I wish that hap hazard road crew would just finish up and get it over with! You are not alone with your thoughts is a bad time in the USA.
    That is a great shot of AJ and his Dad...they make a handsome pair!
    Very nice to hear that your flowers made the important table! :)
