Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thursday's Things and Stuff........

The blogging experience has been a great one.  If you like to "show and tell" and also to learn new things daily, the blog world is so good for that kind of thing. So when you do things in your life, like buy a new flower, one can't tell a lie.  The followers know that where you get some of your ideas.  This is a Mildred thing as she and her husband John have neat flowers. One of them is the red coneflower and I finally purchased one. I really wanted one and finally found the right Walmart at the right time to allow me to buy it.  I would not have done so without seeing their red blooms.  Check out the blog CATTALES and see what is going on down in the southern part of the United States. I was hesitant on the price as I am wanting good bargains at all times.  They had a lot of these plants and some were put in plastic decorative pots to be bought to give away as gifts I am assuming.  The ones in the regular black plastic were higher priced as Walmart found the decorative pot was not working and they couldn't sell them. So the exact same product was marked down because of its party pot containers.

I found this sedum for sale that reminded me of my younger days.  When my parents bought their farm in southern Iowa, the previous farm wife had a round metal container planted with this sedum.  It was by the garden gate that was on the way  to the well.  I would see it every time I went to pump water. It did bloom a yellow flower every spring and it always fascinated me because someone else had placed that feature in the garden. I am taking a chance on it as we are in a different zone than southern Iowa.  I will try it in a pot and I guess I could bring it into the basement in the fall.  I am not going to try to plant hen and chicks anymore and they don't live in my garden.  My neighbor's hen and chicks does very well.

All of my day lilies are now open.  I don't have photos of all of them yet but I will be working on that getting them taken.  One mystery to me is where I planted a new daylily this spring and is it blooming and I don't remember which one that it was.  I dislike getting old and being memory handicapped.

This is the very first daylily that I had owned.  I got it from a previous neighbor that had a very large clump of it.  The present neighbors don't have the flower any more as the dogs have trampled it to its extinction.  It is a simple flower but a nice one.  This struggles in the location that I have planted it so I will be moving it once it has finished blooming.

Sanctuary cities are in the news lately and my discussion of this seems out of place on a blog.  I mention it as  I discovered something new about my state of Iowa and the activities going on in a neighboring city and I am appalled.  My wife and I love all people and we shop at a neighboring town all the time.  We recognize that immigrants, illegal or otherwise have been filtering into our area and the state for the past 10 years or so. The packing plant has brought in Sudanese lost boys, Asians, Japanese and others. The packing plant does regularly kick out those who are questionable or their papers are obviously going to get them in trouble as a compahy. There is actually a processing center in Grimes that keeps shipping white painted buses of southern illegals in the city regularly.  I figured that the whole United States was experiencing this but I discovered that we are a different case. 

I viewed a map of sanctuary places in the whole United States on the internet. It shows something alarming as previous governors of the past who were lenient on this kind of thing and allowed the landslide to take place. It has caused our state to be a state full of cites that are considered sanctuaries for criminal illegal immigrants and regular law abiding illegals. The one past governor is now the Head of the United States Agriculture Dept. in DC.

When I look on the map, I can't find Iowa as it is covered with dots of all the areas that hesitate to ship out or detain them after they are arrested.  I could not find the state borders because they were covered. The most of the states around us have only one or two cities.  Washington State and Oregon State also are covered with so many dots that you can't find the state lines.  I don't have a clue where I am going with this but I do get frustrated when passive behavior of the past sets up an impossible situation to correct now.  What I thought was status quo of the situation in the US is actually greater here than most places. Today's news did share an illegal person was arrested in Iowa for a murder that he had done in Texas.  I assume because it made the news that Texas will come up to arrest him and take him back to the site of the crime.

As I face this day, I can see that there are many things to work on.  I finished a frame job yesterday and plant to finish another one today.  I have a couple of plants to get into the ground. That will happen if the city sprayed for mosquitoes.  I forgot to buy some Off spary as I was too distracted buying the coneflower. We have another errand to run today and I will make a note and paste it on my forehead.  Cool weather again this morning but we are promised to be hot in the near future.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. So happy you found the red coneflower, I sure want on. Your lilies are doing so good.
    Sanctuary cities and open borders just don't make sense to me. Why they wanted to change America so bad to a 3rd world country? It has been accomplished just a few more laws and middle class savings taken.
    Then a dictator and we are done.

  2. Hello to you and your wife. Thanks for the mention of my blog. So pleased you did find a red coneflower. I am hoping to save seeds from mine to share also. A few days ago, John and I found ooops plants at Lowe's; we found one daylily and one butterfly bush for 1/2 price. We were thrilled and we both thought of you when making our purchase. This is the time of year to get some great bargains! It's like a treasure hunt and great fun. I can't remember like I once did. I forget where things are planted.....I often forget to comment on things I read on your post. My memory is short!!! Best wishes with the sedum. Fun memory of the one at your parents' home near the well. We recently discovered that the family that bought Nalley Valley hired a company to come in and remove all the plants and trees to build a water slide and pool. I know it is not ours any longer, but it did make us sick.
    We are experiencing some of our hottest weather this week. Trying to stay in and cool. You two have a nice afternoon/evening.

  3. p.s. See, I did forget to comment on the sanctuary issue. With the recent murder in CA, we were pleased to learn that GA is not a sanctuary state. We were discussing this very issue at lunch today.

  4. A gorgeous coneflower! I love it when the plants in a yard tell a story of other places and other people. We have some Rose of Sharon bushes that came from some little plants in my grandparents' yard in Florida. And their plants came from my grandmothers' sister in Alabama. Now several of my neighbors have descendants of my plants,

  5. That is one beautiful Coneflower! Save the seeds...but it might be a hybrid. We hear of illegals being committed a murder the other day he had been deported five times...obviously something is not working. Donald Trump ism't all wrong in his assessment and is calling a spade a spade...unlike other Politicians with their heads in the sand.
    Crime in this part of Minnesota is usually Native American, Mexican or Blacks...the minority give us majority crime...go figure....and they don't stay in jail long either. We have some judges that should be in jail.
    Ok I am done now...maybe.
    Sounds like all the rain gave you lots of skeeters...they are miserable. Yes we are headed for hot also at least that is the forecast. :)
