Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday's Photos.......

The old silver maples lives on not missing a beat of the rigors of being a tree.  The dead parts keep falling out of it and the rest of it leafs out readily.  The birds, squirrels and maybe a raccoon would really miss it if it were gone. Our skies are clear today with the temps at 90 degrees F. or more.  No reain in the forecast.

This beat up red admiral still has to eat and maintain what he has left for a body.  It was a sloppy shot but makes for a good abstract composition.

It was early morning and the light was low as the sun hadn't moved above the trees in the east.  The camera with me under control finally got a photo of a fish in focus.  The large orange fish is eating from below and the surviving five are busy skimming off the fish flakes. When the town isn't spraying the fish get a lot of mosquito larvae to eat.  It makes them look really healthy with full color.

The black and orange fish looks like he has been dipped in black paint or the head of the fish was dipped in orange.  I like buying a mixed assortment of the fish so I can identify them more easily. It is more fun when they are not all just orange. This photo has the fish in better focus than the first.

The mandevilla is starting to open as of yesterday morning. There are lots of buds so it will be great to see it with more open flowers.

This front head on view shows its true colors.  I picked this up at a very low price.  When I looked up info about it the article said that some people treat the flower as an annual and just toss it after the first frost.  I don't think I can do that.

It is a find the kitty photo for you today.  He really does think he is going to move into the house but he may get delivered back to his home next door when the snow starts to fly.

Our town is without water today as a water main has broken somewhere in town.  Maybe by this afternoon we will be back to running water.  I have a rain barrel full of water so I carry a bucket of water per toilet to keep our facilities modern.  We will go buy drinking water as the state law requires a boil order for one to two days after a main pipe breaks and is repaired.  If your thinking all the trucks driving around caused it I am sure you are correct.

A joint effort created this rhubarb and apple cobbler.  The apple really is a good foil to the sharp rhubarb sourness.  Easy to make and fun to eat.  We have about two servings left to eat of it right now.

No heavy physical activity for me today as I can't get a shower afterwards.  I will just hang around in the house and be mellow.  We will make a drinking water purchase somewhere today.  I hope all are well with my friends out there. Thanks for stopping by today.

As an addition of information about our water problem, the one break is a half a block away from our house and there seems to be another one a block north of that.


  1. The first house John and I owned had large silver maples. It was a continuous job picking up what they dropped! These are great photos of the fish. Most of the time when I think to take a photo outdoors, the sun is really too bright! That is a shame about the broken water mains. Such an inconvenience for you guys. We really try not to get out and about on Fridays; it seems traffic is worse and tempers are up on pay days around here! Be safe travelling to buy drinking water.
    That is a lovely mandevilla. I don't believe I've ever owned one. Best wishes with overwintering it.

  2. as usual, once I posted my comment and looked back at your post.....I forgot to say how cute the kitty is. He is keeping an eye on you! And, I forgot to say how good that pie looks. A cup of coffee and pie would be delicious!

  3. Your cobbler looks yummy! Hope you have water by now! We buy bottled water so we always have some to take with us and to make coffee with. Our water is hard on coffee makers:)
