Saturday, August 1, 2015

Humming Along.......

It is a challenge to get a good shot of a hummer through a window glass.  It is also hard to take a shot when they seem to be only coming to the feeder when it is almost dark.  The camera keeps calling for a flash.  I think there are three different hummers, one with a very ruby red throat. The one shown could be the red throated one but the light was not good enough to catch it.

I was surprised to see them coming to the feeder this early morning so I will work on getting a better shot of them.  I was just now thinking that I could lower the feeder about six inches with a wire and I would be able to shoot pictures while sitting down at the dining room table. 

 The water was turned on at about 4 yesterday afternoon. They finished up on the pipe near our house last and there still remains two big large holes dug into the street.  The city guy was coming by last night when I was walking Barney.  I am sure he was checking to see if the leak was fixed and what they had done would not have to be reworked.

Walmart knew we were coming as they had set out water right at the door for us to pick up conveniently when we entered the store.  I made coffee with two water bottles of water which made just the right amount of coffee.  The coffee is better with filtered water so I guess we will have to keep doing that. The laws of the state say that we can't drink out of the faucet safely until after 48 hours of the repair.  I wouldn't fee unsafe drinking it but we will go by what they say.  It is just difficult when you habit is to take the coffee carafe over and fill it up in the morning.

A new purchase yesterday was this impatience plant.  It is a New Guinea variety.  I use to buy them for my mom when she was living and I stopped buying any of them after she passed.  This was half priced and my wife loves pink so it had to come home with us and the water bottles. I don't know if I will repot in at this time or not.  It is in an ugly plastic tub right now.

This is called "gravel to go."  I am assuming that our turn areas on the new road will now be gravel and not soft green grass.  I had thought at first that maybe they will be dumping it into the hole they made for the pipe repair.  The hole of the repair is back there where the stop sign can be seen. Time will tell what its purpose will be. 

The neighbor doesn't maintain that corner of grass very well so I guess he won't be mad at them for dumping it there. All speeders who like to run the alley are going to have a big bump when they hit the side of their car with that.

It is Saturday and it seems pretty quiet outside this morning.  We don't have much for plans and will be taking it easy today.  It is to get very hot again today and we will just have to deal with that.  Thank you for checking in on my post today.


  1. Such sweet little jewels!

  2. Your last photo of the street looks cool and in order.
    Know you will be happy for them all to move on, and street work over.

  3. Yes, those little birds are so hard to photograph, just moving, moving, moving !
    Glad you've got your water turned back on, it really puts a lot of chores on hold.
    Pretty flowers.

  4. Yes, that morning coffee is pretty important, so whatever worked to make it good!

  5. Your street view is improving! Yes you should lower that feeder for the hummers! Anything to make the photographer more comfortable! I finally put mine on an S hook because it was just a bit too tall for me and I would tip it sideways and sugar water would drip out usually on me. That New Guinea Impatiens is very pretty, you might have good luck with that one in the house this winter can take cuttings from it:)

  6. Larry,
    Personally I feel “any” picture of a Humming Bird perched is a great picture. Even through glass you have two great pictures of the little scamp and with wings tucked no less, wonderful. – G

  7. Life without a proper morning coffee fix can be difficult....:)
